Again, you’re trying to make excuses for him based on what you assume his intentions are. There’s no evidence that Trump solicited these donations, so it’s not comparable to the mafia. He just had to keep quiet and politically agnostic and Trump would likely not have noticed. The fact remains that Apple is way more popular than Trump would be unlikely to take action against Apple. I’m judging Cook based on his actions and the harm it will cause. I don’t care about his intentions; the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Still beating this strawman?
The Uncommitted movement warned Trump would be bad. Everyone knows this. They gave clear minimal criteria for Harris to get their endorsement like allowing just one Palestinian to speak at DNC to endorse her and her campaign said no despite allowing Israeli-Americans to speak. She was more willing to throw away votes than cave an inch, in hopes that voters vote for her anyway, and most still did, by that point the loss is on her.
The man insulted the judge and did a series of things that would hold anyone else in contempt of court. And despite all that, the judge bends over backwards to give him a most lenient sentence.
I’m not going to judge Tim by his intentions, I’m judging him by his actions. Did Trump solicit this bribe or did Tim preemptively do it?
“I hope he fails.” -Rush Limbaugh talking about Obama.
It’s lying or stupid to pretend that Republicans supported “Not My President” Obama in any way.
The FBI has previously claimed Apple was helping terrorists by not unlocking iPhones. It’s not completely outside the realm of possibility, especially with the new psycho Trump nominated.
HIPAA can be violated without giving a name, if certain details are disclosed; eg the only 6 year old in the state with rickettsiapox who was admitted on December 21.
But no, this tweet did not violate HIPAA.
Dr. Levi better be careful, United may try to claim he’s violating HIPAA by publishing these details (even though it’s legal).
I’m kind of the opposite. I don’t quite see the appeal of people watching physical sports if you’re not partaking.
And did I vote for him or endorse him or donate to him or support him? No.
At this point if you really are missing the point that badly I can’t help you. You threw away your principles in an attempt to give democrats a win and have nothing to show for it. Peace.
Ok, then what evidence do you have that Biden’s private discussions had any tangible benefit? Biden praised and hugged Netanyahu in public, but if you want me to believe he was harsh on him in private, show me what secret “behind the scenes” action made it worth it to allow Netanyahu to publicly insult Biden and make the US look complicit in war crimes. Did it prevent escalation of the war or bombing of Lebanon? No. Did it force Israel to stop bombing Gaza hospitals? Did it force Israel to publicly hold soldiers to account for war crimes? Nope. Did he force both sides into a ceasefire or get hostages with American citizenship back? NO. Literally every one of Biden’s publicly stated Israel-Palestine policies failed.
You have nothing to show for this “trust Biden, he’s working behind the scenes even if he’s looking like a fool in public for praising Netanyahu and acting blind to the atrocities in Gaza.”
He was reportedly drunk.