this post was submitted on 19 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Keeping the vehicle in orbit is essential to studying the issues, which occurred on the Starliner spacecraft’s service module — a cylindrical attachment that sits at the bottom of the spacecraft. The service module will be jettisoned and discarded as the capsule returns home from space.

Because the service module won’t be returning with the mission, engineers will not have an opportunity to gather more data about the technical problems after the astronauts land

So not an issue that would affect a return, they just want more time to look at the thing that had problems before they have to throw it away.

[–] halcyoncmdr 38 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Ah yes, the helium leak again. The thing that wasn't an issue in the first place. So not an issue that it was fine to launch. So not an issue that there were thruster problems (which use pressurized helium) that could have prevented them from docking with the ISS at all. Totally not an issue with undocking and maneuvering away from the ISS safely and transferring to a reentry orbit.

Yup not that helium leak was not an issue at all.

[–] homesweethomeMrL 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hey, hey- what are you, some kinda . . . whistleblower?

gun cocks

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Oh now suddenly you care about leaks?

[–] mercano 14 points 1 week ago

The real delay here is that Starliner’s RCS system is in the disposable service module, so engineers won’t be able to do a post-flight analysis of it. Dragon’s RCS is in the reusable crew module; the only subsystems they don’t bring back are solar cells and radiators mounted on the trunk.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Because it's not an issue. The valves were closed after docking. There is plenty left to get home. And no hurry to leave. They're taking extra time because they can stay up to 45 days. Good idea to get more data off the service module that can't come back to Earth while possible.

[–] halcyoncmdr 1 points 1 week ago

I'll believe it's not an issue when there are zero new issues from this point until the capsule deorbits. They already said the leak would not be an issue when it was on the ground before launch. Then there were problems while docking, and for a while there a question of whether it would even be allowed to dock in the first place until they managed to get deactivated thrusters working again. So, sorry if I don't trust them with regards to this issue, they've been incorrect twice already about this not being an issue. What makes it any different now that it's up there and sitting in space?

If the RCS system in that service module still has issues, it could be unsafe to disconnect it from the ISS at all if they won't have consistent control over the module/capsule. The last thing we need is an uncontrolled capsule and service module in the vicinity of the ISS. While the service module doesn't come back with the capsule, it is necessary right up until reentry. It has all of the thrusters and engine on it to perform the deorbit burn. After it disconnects, the only real maneuver the capsule does is turn around so the heat shield is facing forwards. I get wanting to perform further tests since it doesn't return with the capsul, no issue there.

But this also brings up a bigger picture question. This is now the second time in roughly a year where there is questionable access to enough seats if they needed to evacuate the station in an emergency. Normally, the craft that are docked cover the number of astronauts on board the station, and any new craft would obviously cover anyone coming up, but there aren't usually spare seats. If a craft is found to be unsafe to detach from the ISS or return manned for any reason, that means there aren't enough seats to actually evacuate the station. The Soyuz leak last year left them without enough seats, and now the uncertainty around Starliner theoretically creates a second, regardless of what they want to say publicly. This craft has already showed maneuverability issues, and shouldn't be trusted in an emergency.

[–] snausagesinablanket 30 points 1 week ago (3 children)
[–] Diplomjodler3 21 points 1 week ago
[–] dustyData 4 points 1 week ago

Curiously, the door is unhinged. They remove it and tie it inside the ISS.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

At least, it's not in an environment.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Must be nice being Boeing...

You can do no wrong and even if you do, you got 324million wage slaves to ensure that your profit 24/7

[–] FlyingSquid 7 points 1 week ago

So... astronauts... I'm sure you really want to get down to Earth, but I would definitely wait for the next bus if I were you.

[–] Streetlights 4 points 1 week ago

Boeing having a normal one.