
joined 2 years ago
[–] halcyoncmdr 1 points 3 minutes ago

The ICE policies and infrastructure wasn't originally setup to be the shithole it has become over the years.

Some of those minimum standards are still there in some places where they didn't get in the way of being pieces of shit.

[–] halcyoncmdr 2 points 2 hours ago

Blackberry being a viable market player died when Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie left in 2012.

[–] halcyoncmdr 12 points 1 day ago

They're all DEI hires. None of them are the most qualified candidate.

[–] halcyoncmdr 11 points 1 day ago

Inkjet is great, for photo printing regularly. For absolutely every other situation a laser printer is better.

[–] halcyoncmdr 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

There are a couple of exceptions.

[–] halcyoncmdr 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Not on the global scale.

[–] halcyoncmdr 13 points 2 days ago

The second bullet point is itself a paradox. By definition hundreds of small donations would represent the electorate better than individual large donors.

[–] halcyoncmdr 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You're right, but Elon decided to operate Tesla with himself as the primary marketing force. He made the brand synonymous with himself, and they continue to do so even now.

The Board not removing Elon from a position of power just indicates they continue to support his actions.

[–] halcyoncmdr 3 points 2 days ago

That is when 95% of their sales are from, hell probably more given the sharp decline in sales since he decided to sieg heil on national TV.

[–] halcyoncmdr 11 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The Mach-E has absolutely no Mustang DNA in it despite what they want to try to brand. All it does is shit on the Mustang name. I can recognize this and I don't even like Ford or Mustang. I can't imagine how actual fans haven't revolted.

Also, why can't manufacturers just accept that some people want the same vehicles available but with EV powertrains? Not every EV needs to be a unique model. Just like they eventually figured out with hybrids, you can just swap the power train and they'll sell.

[–] halcyoncmdr -1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

100% don't have trouble with my Toyota.

And I've seen people ask where the handle is in my buddy's BMW. There's always going to be idiots. Acting like those are the most common group, or even near the average, is stupid.

In some Tesla's it can be damaging to the car to pull the "emergency handle."

This is the case for most vehicles with frameless windows. They have to move the window up and down to seal against the frame and to clear the frame. Tesla isn't anywhere near the first company to have frameless windows, they've existed for several decades, since at least the 1980s. There are a few old vehicles that predate electric windows, and usually have common issues with weather sealing, so it wasn't common until after electric windows allowed for better sealing since the glass could move up under the frame after closing the door. With all of those, if you aren't opening the door in a way that moves the glass, or if the window mechanism is damaged or inoperable for any reason, there can be damage. No one ever likes to talk about those other cars though when this topic comes up, because that tends to undermine the general assumption that it's something only Tesla does.

[–] halcyoncmdr -1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

No, 90% of people have no problem. The few that don't see the button on the door handle, usually go straight for the emergency handle. A very small percentage aren't the type to grab things randomly and just ask if they're not sure.

Everyone focuses on the dumbest takes and experiences, not the real world average. Actually owning a Tesla for the last 6 years and experiencing all of this personally, including long distance trips, and even supercharging on CA on those trips, made me realize just how most online posts about them aren't accurate.

And how defensive some people get when their opinion based solely on reading shit online is challenged by someone with actual experience.


NASA and Boeing officials pushed back Friday on headlines that the commercial Starliner crew capsule is stranded at the International Space Station but said they need more time to analyze data before formally clearing the spacecraft for undocking and reentry.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by halcyoncmdr to c/summit

When in Summit settings, searching for "mu" causes an immediate app crash to home screen as soon as the U is typed. No option to report issues or submit feedback.

Only have this device to test at the moment, but I can get it to do it every time.

Pixel 6 on latest official Android 14 update. App version 1.21.2

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