Sometimes I see a string of words that illuminates a way of thinking that would never naturally occur to me and forever after wish I could forget.
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Idk I think it’s kind of cute
Gene Roddenberry blatantly stole his ideas for Star Trek from George Lucas.
How dare you? ... Tell me more.
Spock was a copy of Yoda, look at the ears. Roddenberry has repeatedly admitted that he failed to capture the depth and nuance of the original. "I'm no George Lucas," said Roddenberry in his biography Not Star Wars, The Other One, "I'm just a fan of his work desperate to make him proud in my own little way."
Haaaaa, almost had me there.
Regarding the title: no lie, there was a period of time where if you searched for CBT on bing or search engines derived from it (e.g. Ecosia), the top result was cock & ball torture. Sadly this seems to have been fixed.
It sucks getting recommended therapy when all I want to see is a cock getting stomped on.
Cock and ball torture was there first. Same as women going for a "facial", it's hilarious now because the word is heavily stomped on
I don't know how to tell you this but facials existed before the porn term.
I think you just attempted, a comment was how. Was it confusing?
But I disagree, the weird is fully taken.
It's an expression
Just make your point don't holds up spork while you do it
Good to see that 2008 edition of Trolling for Dummies is still serving you well.
"Everyone around me is a troll"
Make your sub so frustrated, they will resort to make you shut up the only way they can.
...murder? 🤨
Gotta occupy your mouth some other way.
...picket line?
Something, involving them not talking, to make you stop talking. Something that a dom and sub might do together.
...hotdog eating contest?
Yes. "hotdog" eating contest. You can use tacos if that's what you have on hand.
Watermelon. Low calorie, high amusement, tastes great. Way better than hotdogs or tacos. plus when you're in practice you can snarf a whole one in a minute, no need even to chew. Gods perfect food.
Grapefruit is another great option.
Shitting in the airbnb
Hey wait a minute this is my kink
Can someone explain what this means?
The poster is a dominatrix whose submissive partner is autistic and wearing a gag. They inflict pain on their partner by making up incorrect facts about the autist’s niche interests.
Oh that’s horrible! lol
As an autistic person, if I was into bdsm and being tortured, I‘d come in seconds.
I’m on the spectrum as well, but this one went over my head.
Same for my wife who is on the spectrum as well. Read „if i was sexually aroused from torture, this would excite me greatly because it is extreme torture imo.“
That's not funny
No no no, its Group Cock and Ball Therapy
This is the basic premise of at least a few Game Changer episodes.