
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 hour ago

I’ve factory reset every Google home of mine multiple times over the years. Never had any effect.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

Google Home. Bought them for $40 CAD and back then they were great. Responsive, did quick google searches, played my music all over the house.

Over the years they’ve lost functionality. Mine no longer accurately respond to voice queries and no longer complete google searches. I can still play music on them manually from my phone but when I ask it something, it responds back in French or does something completely different than what I had originally asked.

Worst part is that I ask it something, it does something different, and then when I say “hey Google stop” it just keeps going and going. Have to manually pull the plug for it to stop.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

It actually is officially supported by the hardware team who builds my laptop. I’m not sure why you had to be so hostile with your wording.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 18 hours ago

Right? I’ve had these issues with a Framework 13 AMD and have experienced these problems on Kubuntu 23.10, Ubuntu 22.04, and Kubuntu 24.04.

Otherwise the computer runs stably albeit certain flatpaks and snaps just stop working for some reason over time (like BambuStudio and Webcord and a Notion web wrapper and Kdenlive).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 20 hours ago (5 children)

I basically treat this laptop as I would a bigger steamdeck. I video edit, play games, and browse the internet. That’s basically 99% of my use case

[–] [email protected] 0 points 20 hours ago

For me it’s easier a lot of the time to just reformat and reinstall the OS than to troubleshoot every little problem as they arise. It’s great for learning and I’ve certainly learned a lot along the way but for my use case I just want this computer to work with my stuff right off the bat.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 20 hours ago

Now that you mention it I do get another bug where if I pick up my computer in a certain way it logs me out. I’ve got a Framework 13.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 20 hours ago

This is promising. I’ve got the exact same laptop as you. Laughing at the need to make things complicated to keep your skills up.


Sup penguin people.

I’ve been running various flavours and variations of Ubuntu for a while. I find I have to nuke and reset my laptop every 6ish months because things eventually stop working or I get weird bugs.

Recently I’ve been having this on and off problem where the computer just shows a black screen after turning it on. The only way to fix this is to tap keys repeatedly until a console shows up and it seems to kick the computer into gear and log in. Other times I have to restart 2-3 times before it logs me in.

I’ve had a lot of small issues like that (like having to jiggle the volume knob in the sound mixer to get sound working) and I’m wondering if switching to an immutable distro (like bazzite) would solve this apparent config creep.

I have a Steamdeck and it’s been solid and stable ever since I got it. I know it’s running an immutable distro and after researching a little bit it sounds like they can be more stable.

I’m no power user but I play some steam games and run a local 7b LLM and like to have a virtual machine or two for Windows XP emulation for some retro gaming.

Anyone have any opinions? What are your thoughts on immutable distros (like Bazzite)? Pros? Cons? Success/doom stories?

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

X plane is leagues more stable than MSFS, I can guarantee that

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I bought FS2020 a couple days ago and was unable to download the game. It was 160gb and the connection to Microsoft servers kept cutting. Most of the times I tried opening the program it would just crash on the loading screen. I was almost 2 hours in trying to just get it to download the game when I made the executive choice to just refund it before my refund window was past.

Bought xplane 12 instead. Less pretty by all metrics but it takes barely any time to open and is highly modable. At least now I can fly planes.


Take on a second job to fulfill your civic duty to De Beers.


Hi all!

I have a laptop running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and I want to switch to KDE Plasma 6.

How should I change over and why?

Option 1: Install KDE Plasma 6 alongside GNOME

Option 2: Backup and fresh install KDE Neon.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/selfhosted

Hi all!

I’ve had Nextcloud installed on Docker and it has been working for a while until now.

I had to change my server from wifi to Ethernet and gave it a new static IP. I also uninstalled docker and reinstalled it so I’d be starting fresh.

I have Nextcloud working and when I go to localhost:8070, Nextcloud works properly. When I use another device connected to the same network by wifi, it doesn’t work.

I made sure the config.php file has the server’s static IP address listed in the trusted domains category.

This used to work before but now after hours of troubleshooting, I’m all out of ideas and frustrated 😩 Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: My wife to stroll by and casually was all “did you check Windows Firewall?” and lo and behold, Windows Firewall chose today to block private connections on Docker Desktop backend -_-

Once I enabled it everything worked perfectly. Leaving this up here in case someone else stumbles upon this exact issue.


I’m running KDE Wayland session on a Surface Pro 6 and the UI is much too small.

I changed the UI scale in System Settings which works for all my apps except for the system text (panels, menus, Dolphin). The text in my system UI is super blurry.

I’ve done a bit of research and it looks like Wayland may not support fractional scaling properly, but I’m finding conflicting info on this.

At this time, is it possible to run a Wayland session in KDE with 150-200% UI scaling?


Every month or so all my devices lose internet and the only way to connect them all back is to disconnect them from the DNS server that Pihole is running.

I set my Pihole to have a static IP but for some reason after around a month or maybe longer, it just fails. This has happened 4 times over the last while and the only fix is to essentially uninstall everything on my Pihole, disable it, and then reconfigure it from scratch again.

I’m not sure what’s going on so any help would be appreciated.

Neglect tek (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/shrooms
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