
joined 2 years ago
[–] Viking_Hippie 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Wow. That might be the worst fucking take of 2024!

[–] Viking_Hippie 5 points 2 months ago

The sun (or as many of my fellow Liverpool fans justifiably calls it, The Scum} is indeed one of the many atrocious British tabloids. Others include The Daily Fail (Mail), The Daily Scar (Star) and The Daily Sport.

As for The Guardian, it's one of many venerable British broadsheets (though the physical paper is now Compact along with The Times (also Compact), The Telegraph (actually still physically broadsheet), and The Independent (broadsheet format, then both broadsheet and compact, now online only)

I get that there could be some confusion regarding the physical paper since a British Compact is basically a broadsheet quality paper in tabloid format.

With regards to CONTENT quality and reliability, though, it's pretty much impossible to know The Guardian well and consider it a tabloid.

Unless you're one of those far right people who thinks that everything to the left of the Republican party is far left to the point of being inherently unserious, but I'm getting more of a "simply unfamiliar" vibe from you, which is why I took the time to clarify it all 😁

[–] Viking_Hippie 2 points 2 months ago

Not sure about the "shameful" part, but here's some Beggin'

[–] Viking_Hippie 3 points 2 months ago

this is a performance where the humans get paid and get to go home afterward, and not like a slave trade situation, right?

I mean, the song was first published in circa 1780 so..maybe? 🀷

[–] Viking_Hippie 20 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The Guardian? A tabloid??

Are you the same idiot who called The Independent a tabloid last week or are there TWO people that clueless about British newspapers here? 🀨

[–] Viking_Hippie 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I don't know what chems you've been huffing, but they seem fun, so please share some πŸ˜„

[–] Viking_Hippie 4 points 2 months ago

Having never heard or seen the word before, I still say that joining Pembina is a significant upgrade from North Dakota. Even if it DOES sound more like a genital deformity than a state.

"Did you hear that Carol's baby was born with pembina?" "Poor thing! I TOLD her those lead enemas during pregnancy was a bad idea, though!β€œ

[–] Viking_Hippie 4 points 2 months ago

Unbeknownst to most people, though, Belgium was ABSOLUTELY one of the worst.

The Behind the Bastards episode on Leopold II was one of their best ever!

[–] Viking_Hippie 8 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I like that they consolidated the Dakotas but not Best Carolina where my partner lives and Worst Carolina where Dylan Roof and Lindsay Graham are from..

[–] Viking_Hippie 14 points 2 months ago

Five is right out!

[–] Viking_Hippie 2 points 2 months ago

At least once more, it seems

[–] Viking_Hippie 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

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Florida State Senator Ileana Garcia has introduced legislation to prohibit "weather modification" activities in the state.

submitted 3 months ago by Viking_Hippie to c/cat

They were like that for 5-10 minutes until Emily finally ate it.

And yes, Charlotte had just had an identical treat of her own, but she's a greedy scoundrel πŸ˜„


It was the first time in 15 years that they beat their worst rivals. Probably the highlight of my year tbh. #YNWA


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submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Viking_Hippie to c/dadjokes

A panthem


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I try to tell a story from my childhood and someone points out how fucked up it actually is. Lmao

submitted 3 months ago by Viking_Hippie to c/dogs

I almost called this "Boomerang", but I wouldn't expect many people to catch the reference to the 18th highest grossing movie of 1992 πŸ˜„

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