
joined 1 year ago

I had one! I could have sworn it was a green/gray/turquoise colour, but this is the only colour that comes up.

There was also a Yogi Bear, and a Dino/Pebbles combo, and possibly a Fred Flintstone, and Barney.

Kolynos Toothpaste (
submitted 5 minutes ago by dogsnest to c/[email protected]

M'dad always bought the least expensive stuff - we kids, ofc, wanted Stripe! or Ultra-Brite, or Close-up.

That's why we never got the dames, I guess

[–] dogsnest 3 points 2 hours ago

I'd tap that!


One witness was told Trump was "checking on the boxes," sources said

[–] dogsnest 5 points 3 hours ago (1 children)
[–] dogsnest 4 points 5 hours ago
[–] dogsnest 10 points 15 hours ago

Unexpected yer' mom.

[–] dogsnest 68 points 15 hours ago

There was that one other time Trump was racist (not current! only includes up to 2017):

1973: The Nixon Administration sued Trump for refusing to rent to black people

1980s: Trump’s casinos were accused of hiding black staff when Trump visited

1989: Trump took out a full page ad arguing for the death penalty for a group of black men (The ‘Central Park Five’), effectively putting a bounty on their heads and plaguing them with a lifetime of death threats. He was sued by the Justice Department for discrimination.

1991: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kinds of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day...I think that the [black] guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is.

1992: Trump’s casino was fined $200,000 for transferring black dealers off certain tables to appease racist patrons.

1993: Trump said Native American casinos shouldn’t be allowed because, “They don’t look like Indians to me.”

2000: Trump ran a series of attack ads against Native American casinos, alleging (with no proof) that they were guilty of crimes.

2004: Trump fired a black contestant from ‘The Apprentice” for being over-educated.

2010: Trump argued in favor of segregating Muslims in Lower Manhattan.

2011: Birtherism. Trump alleged that Obama was Kenyan based on nothing but skin color. He’s neither apologized, nor renounced that claim.

2015 (1): Trump called Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime and drugs” to the US.

2015 (2): Trump called for “a ban on all Muslims entering the US.”

2016(1): Trump called for a Mexican judge to recuse himself based on nothing other than his race. Paul Ryan said, “This was the textbook definition of a racist comment.”

2016 (2): Trump regularly retweeted material from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his campaign.

2016(3): Trump tweeted a picture alleging Hillary was Jewish or controlled by Jewish people.

2016(4): The Trump campaign adopted Nixon’s “Law and Order” rhetoric which was based in racial fear mongering.

2016(5): Trump told black voters, “What do you have to lose?”

2017(1): Trump asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus simply because she was black.

2017(2): “...some very fine people on both sides”, said Trump of a violent Nazi rally.

[–] dogsnest 1 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Thx! Never seen it b4!

[–] dogsnest -1 points 16 hours ago (3 children)

It's a shame this reply is overwhelmed by the misinfo you replied to.

[–] dogsnest 1 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I only understand Slackware.

Will I survive?

[–] dogsnest 10 points 16 hours ago

'bloat' lol.

[–] dogsnest 5 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Depends. (What debts are insured. Not Trump's undergarments.)


Snowden said he does expect Melania Trump to show face throughout the campaign and to make key speeches, but that he also thinks that the former president would “continue to be very protective of her.”

Ya, that's what it is!


ElEcTiOn InTeRfErEnCe!!


37 mile range on full electric!


All praise the MUTE!


The official says he warned of issues over migrants and public records.

Bandwidth No Name (self.fakebandnames)
submitted 4 days ago by dogsnest to c/fakebandnames
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