Love The Body!
Nice Propagandhi shirt.
I skimmed article. It's interesting that there is no mention of Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACTT). Models like this have been around since the late 70s. Lots of states in the US have programs like these.
I've been doing this work myself for the last seven years in North Carolina. I've given plenty of long acting antipsychotic injections in parking lots and under bridges.
That pie is for pa.
It's because we're mostly fucking cool here.
I haven't gone up that way to see what it looks like. I hope your friend is safe.
There are places with power. They're getting it to places slowly. My neighbors have solar. I've also been charging in the car.
I have cell service.
We're good here. I'm north, off of Merrimon. Still no power. Most of Merrimon seems to have it, except us.
I was just going to say, I drive past this place almost everyday. It's wild to see Asheville everywhere online. Hope you're doing well JimmyBigSausage.
I'm a community mental health nurse in Asheville. I work for ACTT. I haven't had power or running water since last Friday like everyone else.
I have been working out in the community since Monday. I can tell you that supplies have been coming in enmass.
People have been getting food and drinking water without issue. Every patient I have seen this week has been taken care of.
There is a response here. The issue is communication services; wireless phone services. There are connections sporadically. People are having trouble knowing where to get supplies.
We are a strong community who are coming together. No one is without basic needs.
I guess I'm moving back to Michigan.