joined 2 years ago
[–] AA5B 1 points 1 hour ago

Though since treasuries are paid by the government is it not then still a ponzi scheme,

No, social security is investing in treasuries just like any other retirement fund might

in the fact the bonds must be redeemed to pay for shortfalls, in which case the government must tax the existing population

Well yeah, kind of. The government issues bonds to finance its debt. Some amount of that is a good thing, to fund large projects. However a poorly run government running a constantly increasing deficit and funding a constantly increasing debt with constantly increasing bonds is mortgaging its future to pay for its present. Think of the analogy of living off your credit cards. At some point you’ll hit a limit, everything comes due and you’re going to have a very bad time.

This is poor governance, regardless of who is buying the bonds. It has nothing to do with social security.

This is also why the idea of a smaller government is so compelling: we need to do something about ever increasing debt. However the political party that talks most about that is the one most responsible for that debt. You don’t reduce debt by more and more tax cuts for the wealthy nor ever increasing military.

There had been the expectation by some that our debt doesn’t matter as long as the dollar acts as the world’s reserve currency, but what happens when this stops? What happens when chaos spite and narcissism disrupts global trade and alliances, driving other countries away from trade with US, away from the dollar as an exchange currency? What happens when those countries no longer buy the enormous amounts of US Bonds they have been and no longer find our debt? And Social Security is at an inflection where it needs to pay out more than it’s bringing in do starts selling the bonds it’s invested in? We might be in for a very bad time, decades of government mismanagement under taxing the wealthy and overspending coming due at once, triggered by the idiot we voted for

[–] AA5B 4 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (1 children)

The argument is it’s not a tax or insurance but a communal retirement fund meant to supplement private retirement benefits or keep the elderly out of poverty. It’s limited in what it pays out so your investment should be limited at the same place

People who earn $176k get the highest benefit, and they don’t get anymore no matter how much more they earn. They’re not getting more so don’t think they should pay in more.

I don’t know how the benefit is calculated but presumable if higher earners kick in more, the formula would need to change so it’s not all going back to them

[–] AA5B 1 points 3 hours ago

All you gotta do is follow the law, the law of gravity. Start at the top and work your way down.

[–] AA5B 2 points 4 hours ago (4 children)

Please tell me this is made up. I still can’t get past the hygiene problems of nose piercings when you have a cold, to even imagine how awful this would be

[–] AA5B 4 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Maybe they were curious?

[–] AA5B 1 points 4 hours ago

We should make this an online thing even if it doesn’t happen. Imagine ai news popping up with stories of black market eggs from Canada!

[–] AA5B 5 points 4 hours ago

Trump’s voice is loud, bombastic, and belligerent, but rarely anchored in reality. There doesn’t seem to be any limits to how low he will go, but that doesn’t change realities like the worlds two largest trading partners, thousands of miles of unguarded border, a long history of cooperation and yes, friendship. Do what you have to to deal with Trumps BS and know that half the US will cheer you on and only hope you’ll give us the chance to make it up to you in four years

[–] AA5B 7 points 4 hours ago

Trump is much more a foe to the US than Trudeau ever would be

[–] AA5B 0 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Let me interject a little hope into all the eggpocalypse doom and gloom ……. This morning I went to an excellent diner I’d never been to. The menu advertised $1.39/each to add additional eggs to a breakfast but that was the cooked and served price!!!!

This was one of those situations where even new tipping rules are insufficient. I had great food and fantastic service at excellent prices! What put me over the top is they only suggested 15% tip, like the old days. I’d never left 30% before but this was well deserved

[–] AA5B 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

This is why we need to do something now. Japan has been unable to offer enough of the right incentives to turn their birthrate around so how do we do any better? Act now. They waited until they had a problem before trying to turn it around and it hasn’t worked. Social and economic inertia is very difficult to turn but maybe if we start now, we can have different results. Japan never had much immigration to fall back on but we can use that to buy more time. We have a chance as long as we keep encouraging and welcoming immigration…… shit

[–] AA5B 5 points 4 hours ago

Babies are expensive and time consuming to develop into useful serfs. The US is not yet hitting most of the consequences from low birth rates because it’s balanced out by immigration. As long as they keep encouraging and welcoming immigration ….

[–] AA5B 1 points 5 hours ago

Maybe someone told him it was the Bible

Imaginary YouTube > real (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 1 month ago by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

I find this a bit weird, but I just fell asleep on the sofa while watching YouTube. The weird part was I had a very vivid dream that I was watching an entirely different YouTube video


This morning I made pancakes for my little one (ok, he’s a high school senior, and it was an egg, cantaloupe and some pancakes). His favorite is chocolate chip: I can do that!

As I was making them I realized I didn’t have enough chocolate chips. But I could still be the hero, I had mini-chips to make energy bites!

I don’t know if this counts as science, but I discovered the minis sink right to the bottom while full sized are easier to keep in suspension. The minis made it a lot harder to give each a consistent chocolate taste

YouTube history (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 1 month ago by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

The last several months, I’ve started watching YouTube.

I tried looking at what I’ve been watching:

  • lawn mowing
  • drain clearing
  • dog grooming

For those of us still impatiently waiting, what is your experience so far with “Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition”?

—- I ordered just 2 hours in but the vendor I used sold out in 21 minutes. I just found out I also missed the restock, so hopefully some time next month.

submitted 1 month ago by AA5B to c/aww
Waffles for the win (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

Slept in and made waffles for my kids …. I got too damn excited making Liege Waffles for the first time. The kids loved them but it’s a lot of work, even more cleanup, and molten sugar hurts like the dickens

Huge Costco trip (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

I haven’t been in about three months so I started running out of stuff. It almost got exciting, going while hungry and without a Christmas list. I should not have done that

And still no effing tissue boxes

submitted 2 months ago by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

The pop up reminder has been on my thermostat since October.

However the furnace couldn’t hold temperature and started short cycling so I had to. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the problem so I may need to call a guy (it’s always to replace the control board but I have yet to find a way to confirm that before spending $400 to do it myself)

Did not sleep in (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

Already failed my first goal for taking today off, by forgetting to turn off my alarm clock.

So my grand plan for using one of my precious days off is (drum roll, please) ….. taking my kid to a routine appointment that for some reason had to be in the middle of the day

Syrup from a can (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AA5B to c/dull_mens_club

It’s the weekend, so I got up early, walked the dog and started thinking about what to make my kid for breakfast.

I spent way too long looking at a four hour recipe (why not, dinner is a smoked pork shoulder that I really need to get started asap) before giving it up

Started off normally: eggs over easy and sausage links. Let’s make the pancakes a little different with bananas and walnut, and top with fruit and nuts ….

Critical question: why do we buy a specific syrup for pancakes? It’s just sugar (or corn syrup). So I used the syrup from canned mangoes!!!! Tastes great but a bit thin and I didn’t use enough. It would be easy enough to thicken up, I’m sure. But why isn’t this the norm? We should have flavored syrup all the time, maybe save money over the maple stuff

Oh, and splurged with egg nog.


I generally use Lemmy through my phone browser: safari on iPhone. Starting a few weeks ago. I can no longer get to the primary url. When I try, the progress bar stops partway through, I get a long delay and eventually see “a problem repeatedly occurred on https://lemmy.world”.

I assumed there was some sort of update and was patient but it doesn’t appear to be getting fixed

As a workaround, I’ve been using https://old.lemmy.world

Is this a known problem or can someone help look into this?

Thread for Inovelli Blue? (self.homeassistant)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by AA5B to c/homeassistant

Does anyone know the current state for re-flashing Inovelli Blue switches to Thread? I haven’t been paying attention the last year so I don’t know if they released that or if it works reliably. I did try looking through the community pages without finding anything definite (plus that might not include any actual experience trying it)

I recently saw a couple new Thread devices, so maybe it’s time to start using that. My entire Zigbee network was intended to be flashable to Thread: all I have is SkyConnect and some Inovelli Blue switches. More importantly, that should be a good foundation for a strong mesh to support other devices (and I don’t have a reason for a strong Zigbee mesh). I know SkyConnect multi-protocol didn’t work out but I believe reflashing to Thread is fine. I know Inovelli Blue can’t be reflashed over the air, but that’s ok. Is there Thread firmware and what are your experiences with it?

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