joined 11 months ago
[–] AA5B 1 points 34 minutes ago

It was the first EV pickup, at the time of announcement, and the battery tech sounded excellent, as did the list of features. Most importantly the announced price would have made it one of the lowest priced EVs. How could you not get hyped?

But when it dragged out so long and they were going to deliver on features offer price, maybe they should have cut their losses.

At the time, I was saying Cybertruck was a huge success because it pushed Ford to build the F150 Lightning.

[–] AA5B 1 points 39 minutes ago

Right, I considered it …. I’m not interested in a truck but a fully refundable $100 to hold my place in line, for what was at the time the first EV pickup?

[–] AA5B 1 points 52 minutes ago* (last edited 51 minutes ago) (2 children)

At that point you gotta wonder if it can keep up with an $80 Raspberry Pi, especially if HP tries to shoehorn Windows into that

[–] AA5B 1 points 58 minutes ago

True, you’re not getting to the next galaxy. However within the galaxy, your generation ships only need to work for a century or two per voyage. That’s at least conceivable

[–] AA5B 2 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

It’s not my choice. I’m only here to help others fix their code, not to actually do the coding. I have to someone know best practices and how to fix common bugs

[–] AA5B 5 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (3 children)

Seriously, people have been saying this stuff about WordPress as long as it’s been around, and I’m always surprised that it still exists. This was definitely one of those technologies that sounded bad enough that it could never last. Joke is on me.

Of course I thought the same with JavaScript but was forced to learn it last year

[–] AA5B 1 points 12 hours ago

Right, plus in the context of not building new stuff for a temporary need

  • too bad they didn’t know how easy it would be for so many of us to work from home
  • roping off a lane may offend our egalitarianism, but it’s a temporary change
  • even if we had to build new lanes, they would sure as hell get used (especially since there’s never enough capacity on the T)
[–] AA5B 5 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

It’s all in what you’re used to. My house is never that warm, even in summer. I can sleep as warm as 22° in the summer, but always keep it below 20° in the winter.

So, yes, if I have to sleep where it’s 25° or 27° or warmer, I’m probably not sleeping well and we’ll all be happy I’m not an athlete

[–] AA5B 8 points 12 hours ago

This system of water pipes could have made for excellent, very low energy heat pumps. Imagine how efficient that could be with a ground source only 5-10° away from comfortable at all times!

[–] AA5B 3 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Generational ships wouldn’t have to reach the edge of the galaxy, just the next planetary system. There’s no reason civilization needs to remain centered on Earth, either. Think of it as a wave traveling outward, where it eventually reaches the edge, by many smaller hops. It will also eventually reach earth, where they might wonder at signs of a prehistoric civilization. Actually, think of it like the Middle East, where empires rise and fall, crusades and jihads burst through, religions rise out of nowhere, people speak many different languages. A galactic civilization could be dynamic and ever changing, distance can make us strangers to each other, the fate of any planet matter only to its inhabitants and neighbors

[–] AA5B 9 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Look at Rambo over here, thinks he can take on The Toddler

[–] AA5B 0 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Exponential functions. Seriously. You meet crisis after crisis, each having a risk of ending civilization, but that risk never goes away. It keeps multiplying and multiplying, until you realize the risk curve is approaching a vertical line

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by AA5B to c/traeger

I tried Paprika chicken! The jalapeños were the thing: I could smell them from the neighbors house!

Huge hit, very forgiving, and fast, but more of a grill item than a smoker item. My Traeger made it easy and almost foolproof, with the wireless meat thermometer. The recipe has a huge hit with my family! Love that salsa, but if you don’t have much spice tolerance, beware.

This was actually the first time I’ve cooked dark meat chicken with skin on since I was a kid, my teenagers’ first introduction to that, believe it or not. That’s where the recipe falls down. The cooking temperature was perfect for the meat, but there’s no way you’re getting crispy, browned skin with that.

I did set the grill to 365° instead of 350° but that wasn’t enough to make a difference. Granted, I haven’t checked the accuracy of the temperature setting, but it cooks food in the expected time at the intended temperature, and I have confirmed the meat thermometer matches. Next time I use this, I’ll try the last 10 minutes at max temp to see if that helps

Has anyone gotten a good crispy skin from their Traeger? What time and temp? My propane grill gets much hotter, but I really don’t want to use both for one food

Oink & cluck (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by AA5B to c/traeger

Finally an all around success! Helps to be a bit less ambitious and pick something that uses less time.

Oink and cluck. I’ve done bacon wrapped stuff before but really like this prosciutto better!

I did have to have help making the salsa, and the sweet potatoes needed a lot more time than the other veggies. I’d never had salsa like that but it was perfect to liven up plain root veggies.

Outstanding dessert and easy to put together.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by AA5B to c/traeger

Continuing the learning experience …..

Absolutely fan-effing-tastic

But, things to learn…

  • I planned ahead and bought ahead! Yay!
  • recipe manager generated a shopping list. Yay!
  • great recipes, but a lot of work to bring them all together
  • but missed one bunch of cilantro
  • saved by the meat thermometer! — the import to my recipe manager somehow lost “step 3, increase temperature to 450°”

It really pays to be flexible, and I had compromised and bought pre-made loaves of sourdough. When things were looking late, I served the gazpacho and bread as an appetizer.

The pecan pilaf was not only outstanding, but it was not at all affected by sitting in the pot 40 minutes waiting for salmon! This is a lot of work for rice but I highly recommend!

Salmon was really good (not dried out) especially with that avocado salsa, despite cooking over an hour (30 min at 165°, 15+ min getting up to temp, 20 or so at 450°, 5-10 min oh shit I didn’t allow notifications for the meat thermometer ). Kudos to salmon for being so forgiving!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/traeger

I found a two year old thread on great smoker recipes on that other site. Where do you get yours and what is your favorite?

Let’s add some resources to the sidebar - I’m not going to blindly add from that other site but will be happy to add anything you find useful, even if just copy-paste from there

submitted 1 month ago by AA5B to c/traeger

The big grill claims to fit 7 racks of ribs…. But three St Louis fills it pretty good. I may need to make the corn bread inside.

This time I planned slightly better, thanks to a recipe app, and generated shopping lists, but …… didn’t get to the store until morning, got a late start, endured massive crowds and got a really late start

This is not the recipe I wanted to follow but it’s the one I have time for: https://www.traeger.com/recipes/all-american-spareribs

Traeger Recipes (www.traeger.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/traeger

Traeger has some great recipes and videos at their website - definitely my first place to look as I learn the ropes (no, not affiliated with them, nor profit in any way. Just a fan).

However when I tried to somehow group or save multiple recipes, I couldn’t make them convenient for a meal - lots of clicking back and forth, too much searching yet again for the same recipe

  • trying to print or share - they only send the link, which is not useful.
  • “Saving” only worked for one item
  • You couldn’t effectively create a meal plan with multiple recipes - no way to assign tasks, combine shopping lists, coordinate steos

Anyone have tips on how to use them more effectively?

First smoke (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/traeger

I don’t know if my neighbors ar going to love me or hate me - tiny yards all close together so they’re going to smell what’s cooking…..

I have no idea what I’m doing but go big or go home: here’s two big ass pieces of meat (14# pork butt came apart)

First obstacle: how do you pick up a 14# hunk of hot meat? I don’t think any of my cooking utensils can handle that. I didn’t leave room for the tray of Mac and cheese I wanted to add, plus it will eventually be cooked

Coming soon ….. (self.traeger)
submitted 1 month ago by AA5B to c/traeger

So, no posts, no comments, not even a description on the community. Are we doing this or what?

Without a description, what should we even post here? Maybe something like “TRACKING INFO WAS JUST UPDATED. MY TRAEGER IS COMING SOON!!!!!”

Hazy skies with the Sox (self.beerwithaview)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/beerwithaview

A few years back at Fenway Park watching the Boston Red Sox

I think this was the game where I was carded and didn’t have my license to prove I’m old enough to drink. Lol, found one of the guys literally half my age to buy beer for me. I guess thanks for the entertainment at stupid adherence to paperwork despite greyed haired reality staring in disbelief

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/beerwithaview

Finally able to turn off the heat, sitting out on the deck.’c “Shipping off to Boston” with the dog, listening to the Dropkick Murphies with an adult “lemonade”. SUMMMERTIME!!!!

Ok, not so scenic, especially since I didn’t include the dog, but let’s see you do better. Please. Let’s see beer in the Alps and places more scenic than my deck

Unfortunate ad placement (self.assholedesign)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AA5B to c/assholedesign

I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw

submitted 2 months ago by AA5B to c/tesla

Yesterday at the grocery store, someone keyed my new car. It’s not like I could have done anything to annoy someone, since there wasn’t anyone parking in the next spot when I pulled in, and I was almost perfectly centered in my spot

I just got the car in November, and it’s that really nice new navy blue. Looks fantastic. And now it’s keyed. I hope it was at least an acciden somehow, because I’ve read too many articles online about people just wanting to see the world burn

For anyone else who had to have the paint touched up, can I take it to a normal body shop? Or does it need something special? Where would I look?

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