
joined 10 months ago
[–] jimmydoreisalefty 23 points 8 hours ago

All is well, it was only:

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 0 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 1 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Wow, thank you for sharing your story on how you came to learn about the events taking place in Congo!

And I agree; we need to keep sharing what is going on around the world.

It is difficult to see or hear such information and news if you are only exposed to the status quo and legacy media outlets, which limit a great deal of what is shown to the public. 

[–] jimmydoreisalefty -2 points 9 hours ago

I am not sure if you are serious or not, but I will reply assuming you are serious. 

I do not agree with your framing, your remarks about the working class, or about Genocide Joe. 

But, I do thank you for sharing your views!

And remember: The only way for the working class to come together is by allowing ourselves to speak with others we do not agree with or think like!

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 0 points 9 hours ago

Julian Assange is finally a free man. The WikiLeaks co-founder was released from Belmarsh prison on Monday morning after 1,901 days of being kept inside the maximum-security location.

On May 20, judges at the UK high court in London had granted Assange the right to appeal his United States extradition and, on June 24, he was finally granted bail and was released at Stansted airport from where he boarded a plane and departed for Australia.

For us at MERA25 and DiEM25, in which Julian has been with us from the beginning as a founding member, the liberation of our comrade is a milestone: the fight for justice is never in vain.

This is the moment to redouble our efforts to free every political prisoner, everywhere!


Yanis Varoufakis with a passionate speech about Julian Assange's release and a scathing criticism of those who sought to keep him behind bars for the crime of 'journalism'.

#JulianAssange #wikileaks #politics

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 2 points 9 hours ago

You are welcome!

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 0 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Edit: forgot to quote last sentence

You are welcome!

It is okay, downvote or upvote, no biggie!

It seems to be the norm in our Lemmy when you challenge the prevailing narrative, at least since I became active on Lemmy.

It is a sad reality of the world that I limit the number of NSFW or NSFL tweets I post; I would never stop posting if I tried to.

Stay hopeful. We can all contribute to our communities, and any assistance we provide, no matter how small, makes a difference!

We should focus our actions, time, and resources on direct action, mutual aid, and community outreach. No war, but class war!

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 2 points 9 hours ago

A bit of fun after all the not so fun posts, hahaha

Props to fan for being brave(not so sane) in doing that!



A sample of the 'mainstream' media who denigrated Julian Assange for actually doing journalism. 👇

They hate him and @wikileaks for doing what they, the 'MSM', cannot do: relentlessly exposing the machinations of state and corporate power.


🧵WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is moving swiftly towards freedom. While many free speech advocates celebrate, MintPress looks back at the many top media outlets that helped, or even campaigned, to keep him locked up for the crime of journalism.

[–] jimmydoreisalefty 1 points 9 hours ago

[Pay Wall] Article: National populism is on the march – why is anyone surprised? [Paul Embery | Jun 11, 2024 | paulembery.com per Substack] https://www.paulembery.com/p/national-populism-is-on-the-march

Please share if you find link without pay wall, thank you!

Source: https://x.com/PaulEmbery/status/1806599718681665832

Voters across Europe are sick and tired of having the things they hold most dear violated

Back in 2016, the year that the UK voted to leave the European Union and Americans voted for Trump, a wry letter was published in the pages of the Financial Times. Penned by Keith Craig, a businessman and former diplomat, the letter explained in a couple of short but blisteringly insightful paragraphs why these two events had occurred. Mr Craig wrote:



"The recent EU election results are part of an ongoing political shift – a shift driven by a backlash against the liberal globalist orthodoxy of so many European governments." Me, on the national populist surge. ⬇️



RFK Jr. the Night Before the Debate: DNC Would ‘Welcome the Chance’ to REPLACE Biden

It is 100% happening.

The Democratic National Convention “would be the place to do it,” Kennedy said.

“They have the super delegates who are in line, basically, and they are the ones who would choose the next nominee. So I think they would probably, some of them, would welcome that chance [to replace Biden].”

Buckle up. The next 5 months are going to be wild.



Israeli settler militias attack a Palestinian family's home in the town of Turmus-Aya in the central occupied West Bank.



BREAKING | During the US #PresidentialDebate, Biden says "We're providing Israel with all the weapons they need and when they need them... We're the biggest producer of support for Israel of anyone in the world... We'll continue to send our experts and our intelligence people so that they get Hamas like we did Bin Laden." 🔥



Did you know❓

The UK has sent 74 war planes from Cyprus to Lebanon since March.

All the flights have gone from RAF Akrotiri, Britain’s sprawling air base on Cyprus which has long been a staging post for bombing missions in the Middle East.


Edit: added [NSFW]


Many Democrats want to replace Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Doing so would be a disaster for the nation. Please consider these three key facts, and watch the video below for an overview:

  1. Newsom's policies led directly to homelessness increasing by 31% in California, even as it decreased by 18% in the rest of the US from 2010-2020. Homelessness increased another 7.5% between 2022 and 2023.
  1. Newsom's policies led directly to skyrocketing crime. One out of four San Francisco residents polled say they were a victim of crime in the last year, and 42% say they were a victim more than once.
  1. Rising crime and homelessness, high taxes, and unaffordable housing under Newsom has resulted in people fleeing the state. The state's total population declined by 573,000 from its peak in 2020.

I have interviewed hundreds of homeless people in California. Many, if not most, are from out of state. Many said they came to California so they could be paid to use hard drugs, in many cases to self-medicate severe mental illness. And many are assaulted and left to die, resulting in far higher rates of drug death than other parts of the nation.

Don't believe the hype: Newsom is not compassionate. He only cares about himself, and his policies result in grotesque cruelty.



"Google and Amazon are basically running the entire cloud infrastructure for the IDF." Protesters gathered outside Google’s London headquarters on Thursday to support Google employees demanding an end to Project Nimbus.




The test aims to see if they can catch a Super Heavy booster on its return to Earth, a key capability for Starship to become rapidly reusable.



Van Jones calls a protest against a colonial settlement auction a “pogrom”

He’s likened the keffiyeh to a Confederate flag, and spoke at a genocidal Zionist rally for war on Gaza

Possibly the biggest sellout I’ve met in media

Here’s @VanJones68 in ‘93



Honduran Ex-President, Once Backed by U.S., Sentenced to 45 Years in U.S. Prison

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