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why bad activists suck [15:10 | JUN 04 24 | Louis Rossmann]


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This guy is at that strange intersection where right-wing politics, religious conservatism, and inceldom meet.


The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.

As Israel continues its massacres in Gaza and escalates its attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, Tel Aviv has launched a major aggression on Lebanon, which by Tuesday evening had killed almost 600 people and injured thousands more.

Ali Abunimah discusses Israel's Iron Dome, an anti-rocket system that is made up of ground-based launchers that fire volleys of interceptors to shoot down incoming rockets, and asks the question of whether Lebanese resistance organization Hizballah can exhaust it.

This is a segment from The Electronic Intifada's day 355 livestream. Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer and Asa Winstanley were joined by Yousef Aljamal, YousefAljamal, a prolific writer and analyst, and the Gaza Coordinator for the Palestine Activism Program at AFSC.

#TheElectronicIntifada #TheElectronicIntifadaPodcast

Edit: added summary below

Key Points:

  1. Iron Dome Functionality: The Iron Dome is designed primarily for short-range threats, but its effectiveness diminishes against large-scale assaults. This indicates the need for a diversified defense strategy in prolonged conflicts.
  2. Economic Implications: The high cost of Tamir interceptors poses significant financial challenges for Israel. This raises questions about the sustainability of the Iron Dome in extended warfare, as resources could rapidly deplete.
  3. Stockpile Limitations: Experts express concern about the limited number of interceptors available. In a scenario of continuous bombardment, Israel may face a critical shortage of interceptors, hindering its defensive capabilities.
  4. Hezbollah’s Tactical Advantage: By launching a high volume of cheaper missiles, Hezbollah could effectively exhaust the Iron Dome, demonstrating a strategic advantage in asymmetric warfare.
  5. Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Hezbollah’s use of low-flying missiles and targeting Iron Dome launchers showcases a tactical evolution that could compromise Israel’s defenses.
  6. Military Production Challenges: The U.S. military’s struggles with ammunition production mirror Israel’s challenges, highlighting a systemic issue within Western military-industrial complexes to produce effective, low-cost weaponry.
  7. Broader Defense Strategies: The ongoing situation emphasizes the necessity for innovative military strategies that balance cost, production capabilities, and technological effectiveness in modern warfare contexts.

Rachel Blevins is a journalist who is passionate about pursuing truth and questioning establishment narratives.

Originally from Texas, Rachel has worked as a News Presenter in Washington, DC, and Moscow, Russia.

Inspired by exploring the stories and angles of news that mainstream media refuse to cover, Rachel is devoted to reporting on topics such as government corruption, foreign policy, censorship and media hypocrisy.

Israel has killed more than 600 people in Lebanon in just three days, after it continued the bombing on Wednesday, following a deadly spree on Monday, which killed hundreds of civilians. Now, IDF Chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi is saying he is "preparing" his troops for a ground invasion of Lebanon as part of a full-scale war against Hezbollah.

Palestinian-American Journalist Dr. Ramzy Baroud noted that the Israeli Military's performance in Gaza is a reminder that it is not remotely ready to take on Hezbollah on the ground—but Israel's genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza over the last year has also shown us that it doesn't care about logic.


Jon Elmer takes us through the expanding war between Hizballah and Israel.

This is a segment from The Electronic Intifada's day 355 livestream. Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer and Asa Winstanley were joined by Yousef Aljamal, a prolific writer and analyst, and the Gaza Coordinator for the Palestine Activism Program at AFSC.

The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.


Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. He is the author of several previous books, including Reinventing Collapse and The Five Stages of Collapse.

Dedicated to dialogue and peace!

At Dialogue works, we believe there’s nothing more unstoppable than when people come together.


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When will we decide these people have suffered enough?


On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Historian of the Middle East Dr. Assal Rad. She discusses how Western media has consistently whitewashed Israel’s crimes for years against Palestinians, the shaping of media narratives and the use of language to change perceptions of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, how institutional dehumanisation and demonisation of Palestinians in the US, UK and EU is necessary to justify the magnitude of Israel’s crimes, the media’s broad refusal to challenge the narratives of the US State Department and Israel, the role of corporations in corrupting the media and political landscape in the US to ensure their narratives of choice prevail, the double standards of Western governments and media when it comes to talking about Saudi-Iran & Saudi-Syria normalisation agreements in the Middle East as well as Iran’s alliances in the region, AIPACs vice grip on US politics and covert Israeli influence campaigns to influence US elections, the ideologies of US officials which lead them to whitewash and enable Israel’s crimes, and much more.

#israel #Gaza #news

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Dedicated to dialogue and peace!

At Dialogue works, we believe there’s nothing more unstoppable than when people come together.

Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson's last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department's Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).

Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987 to 1989), Special Assistant to General Powell when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and Director and Deputy Director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired in 1997 and began work as an advisor to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs at the George Washington University.


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I Apologize in advance.


Hard-hitting legal/political news from a man who knows and respects the Constitution and the importance of defending individual freedoms. Judge Andrew P. Napolitano.


edit2: added Rumble link; yt link, rumble link in the bottom

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Former Special Assistant to US President Ronald Reagan and Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute Doug Bandow. She discusses Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris and the subsequent glee of Democrats after she received his endorsement, the US’ foreign policy establishment’s ignorance on their own hypocrisy seen by the rest of the world, the Arab Gulf States mending ties with Syria to the horror of the US, why a Kamala Harris Presidency won’t mean much of a change in terms of foreign policy and whether Donald Trump has learned from the foreign policy mistakes made in his first term, why Kamala Harris and the Democrats seem to not care about the rising risk of World War 3 and nuclear war with Russia, the transformation of Bill Burns from cautious diplomat warning against NATO expansion to publicly cheering on the proxy war against Russia through Ukraine as CIA Director, the US, UK and EU’s ‘disgusting policy’ of fighting to destroy Russia by sacrificing Ukrainian lives, the details of the settlement that should be negotiated to end the war, the disastrous self-sanctioning of the European countries and complete subservience to the United States, why a Donald Trump second term could have some benefits on foreign policy because of his anti-war instincts, his work in the Reagan Administration and why he believes the most important issue of our times is war and peace, and much more.

#Russia #Ukraine #news



On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Omer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University. He discusses the Haaretz estimate of 2% of Gaza’s population killed by Israel and the systematic destruction of Gaza to make it uninhabitable, his visit to Israel to give a lecture at a university and the protests against him by Israeli students for saying a genocide was taking place in Gaza, why he has come to the conclusion that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza to wipe out the Palestinian population in whole or in part, why it may be hard to prove Israel’s intent of genocide, whether the US, UK & EU are complicit in war crimes and genocide by supplying weaponry to Israel, Israeli society showing no empathy for the Palestinians suffering in Gaza despite opposing Benjamin Netanyahu, how Israelis went from experiencing the trauma of the Holocaust during World War 2 to carrying out genocide in Gaza and apartheid against Palestinians, why Israel’s apartheid system over Palestinians will intensify, why Israel’s apartheid state will eventually implode and much more.

Tags: News, Trending News, Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gaza genocide, Israeli, Joe Biden, Middle East


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This b.s. story about Haitians eating cats and dogs in Springfield OH is straight up nazi shit



  1. (0:00) Sacks intros John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs
  2. (1:10) What is the Deep State Party, and what are their goals?
  3. (13:35) Should America leverage its power against dictators?
  4. (21:45) The China threat: avoiding the escalatory path to nuclear war
  5. (35:47) India's growing role; are China's wounds self-inflicted?
  6. (46:45) Conflict in the Middle East and the path to peace

#allin #news #tech

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Join CODEPINK Congress as we educate, activate and mobilize for peace legislation!

In Norman Solomon’s new Afterword in the paperback edition of his book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, the author excoriates the White House for arming a genocide with assistance from a negligent press. Soloman tracks events following the October 7th attacks on civilians and military in Israel, a few months after publication of the book in hardcover. The 31-page Afterword indicts the Biden administration for complicity in Israel’s genocide, a horror facilitated by Pentagon media stenographers who covered up, ignored or under-reported U.S-Israel war crimes.

We will talk to Norman about how the corporate press minimized Palestinian suffering, under-reported the Biden administration’s arms shipments, and failed to stand up for journalists risking their lives to cover the bloodbath. We will also acknowledge the reporters who joined in newsroom revolts against corporate overlords censoring their stories.


As President Biden considers sending US/NATO long-range missiles for Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia, it’s imperative we understand and educate others about the destructive role NATO plays in agitating and escalating war in Europe and beyond

Published to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the alliance, “NATO: What You Need to Know” is a must-read co-authored by Medea Benjamin and David Swanson. This sharp, concise account examines NATO's origins, structure, and its goals at a time of mounting global tension.

NATO has remade itself repeatedly, as its past purposes have disappeared. In the last 35 years it has been part of wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. It has played a major role in Ukraine, and supported warmaking by Israel. NATO is now expanding rapidly, both in geography and in scope, adding partners from Colombia to Mongolia to Australia, and claiming a role in policing, immigration, economics, public budgeting, scientific research, and environmental protection.

Featured Guest: Author Norman Solomon

Norman Solomon is National Director of and Executive Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. He is the author of many books, including “War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of its Military Machine,” which now includes “Afterward: The Gaza War.”

A collection of Solomon’s “Media Beat” columns, published from 1992-2009, won the George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language. Solomon’s incisive analysis and scathing foreign policy critiques are also hallmarks of his other books, including War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death and Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn’t Tell You (co-authored with foreign correspondent Reese Erlich) published in January 2003, two months before then-President George W. Bush ordered the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

And later...

Medea Benjamin is a co-founder of CODEPINK and the fair trade advocacy group Global Exchange. She is the co-author with David Swanson of NATO: What You Need to Know, and co-author with Nicolas J.S. Davies of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless War. In 2012, she was awarded the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation’s Peace Prize; she is also recipient of the 2014 Gandhi Peace Award and the 2010 Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Prize from the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

David Swanson is Executive Director of, a global nonviolent movement to end war and Campaign Coordinator for He is the co-author with Medea Benjamin of NATO: What You Need to Know. and other books, including War Is A Lie, Leaving World War II Behind, and War Is Never Just. He blogs at and, and hosts Talk World Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and U.S. Peace Prize recipient.


#TheBreakfastClub #GreenParty #Election2024


Jim Carrey Not Wanted In Hollywood So Wayans Family Put Him On & Turned Him Into A Star

"Hollywood didn't want him no more because he just did this thing called Duck Factory, which bombed... Keenen was like, 'He's hilarious.' From there, he put him on and he let Jim go buck wild."

​#marlonwayans #jimcarrey #inlivingcolor

About Club Shay Shay:

Club Shay Shay is a weekly podcast hosted by Shannon Sharpe – 3x Super Bowl champion, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and co-host of First Take on ESPN. Each week Shannon will sit down with athletes, celebrities and influencers to break down, analyze and discuss the latest headlines in sports, pop culture and everything in-between. Get on the VIP list at Club Shay Shay NOW and never miss an episode!


Yerrr The great debate is over, so we had to lay down some jokes and hot takes about the most important election ever (until the next one). Election, Dave Grohl, & Tuckers controversial guest, we break it all down. INDULGE!


  1. 00:00 RANT
  2. 2:18 Kamala dog-walked Trump + Baited Trump hard
  3. 8:31 Trump poor handling + Taylor Swift waited for the moment
  4. 13:46 Fact-checkers seemed biased + Trump was out of control
  5. 17:01 No audience having impact
  6. 19:46 Feedback brings comfort + Kamala is more of the same?
  7. 26:02 Trump rhetoric is exhausting
  8. 29:10 Cats getting eaten in Ohio + Free food EVERYWHERE
  9. 45:09 Fish = eatable + fug these squirrels
  10. 47:59 Where did you watch the debates? US is supreme
  11. 51:22 Kamala’s half-truths + Tariffs hurt us?
  12. 1:00:15 Kamala blaming China for Covid
  13. 1:01:43 Welcome to the show Alexx
  14. 1:02:47 Format be for next debate?
  15. 1:05:35 Vivek + Trump’s neck pum pum
  16. 1:06:57 Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala
  17. 1:09:20 Dave Grohl strategic announcement
  18. 1:19:30 Is Dave Asian? Is cheating really that surprising?
  19. 1:23:21 Travis Kelce copying Andrew + shoutout Haitians
  20. 1:26:44 We wet the bed + European mind can’t FATHOM
  21. 1:29:30 Tenet Media, All bought? Independent Media = discredited
  22. 1:43:02 Tucker with Martyr Made + prickly conversation

Quick Summary

  1. The hosts discuss the increasing influence of private equity in the NFL, prompted by a viewer's request.
  2. Concerns are raised regarding the greed of sports owners and the potential negative impact of private equity investments in NFL franchises.
  3. The NFL has approved certain private equity firms to buy stakes in teams, but no single firm can own more than 10% of a franchise.
  4. While billionaire owners will still control the teams, private equity involvement could enhance their bargaining power with local governments regarding taxpayer subsidies for stadiums.
  5. The hosts criticize the prioritization of profit over community loyalty, emphasizing detrimental effects on fans and local economies.
  6. The conversation highlights the growing divide between wealthy owners and the general public, advocating for the importance of independent media to expose these issues.
  7. The video also addresses the increasing presence of private equity in Major League Baseball, particularly following MLB's takeover of minor leagues in 2020.
  8. Silver Lake Partners is noted for acquiring numerous minor league teams, demanding public subsidies from local communities, costing taxpayers significantly.
  9. The discussion extends to the broader implications of private equity in sports and entertainment, including its impact on affordability and accessibility for the public.
  10. The speaker expresses frustration over rising game attendance costs, suggesting a need for a shift towards community-focused sports teams and a reevaluation of how professional sports operate.

Real firearms information for citizens.


  1. The speaker, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, addresses his audience on December 20, 2023, acknowledging he may have passed away by the time they watch.
  2. He reflects on the rapid progression of his cancer, which has led to complications, including a broken hip due to cancer spreading to his bones.
  3. The speaker expresses gratitude to his Patreon supporters and encourages them to maintain their support as there are plans for new content on the channel.
  4. He warns against piracy of his material and asks viewers to be discerning about information regarding his character, anticipating falsehoods may spread after his passing.
  5. The speaker thanks his audience for their support and hopes his content has provided useful or interesting information.
  6. He expresses regret over not being able to continue creating content for as long as he had hoped.
  7. The video concludes with a heartfelt farewell, emphasizing his appreciation for the community he built.
  8. Following this, Brad Nelson, the speaker's editor and friend, announces Paul's passing and shares plans to honor his legacy by continuing to produce educational content.
  9. He asks for patience and respect from the audience during this difficult time.
  10. The speaker reflects on the positive impact Paul had on many lives through his engaging campfire stories and expresses gratitude for his influence, planning to honor his legacy by uploading educational videos.
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