From what I've seen they're blaming basically everyone but themselves.
Glenn Greenwald
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Yes, it seems like they would rather lose and keep pushing for the status quo than listen to the working class.
That's exactly right.
It felt really condescending and tone deaf, as someone who votes Green, watching the Dems insist on repeating that stupid meme of 'Joy' for two months to people who are working 2-3 jobs to barely survive in America. People wanted to hear how Harris might actually make their lives better. Instead she cosplayed as a moderate Republican and pretended there weren't any problems to fix in the first place.
The democratic party never did and never will stand a chance so long as Media is allowed to report on pure fantasy.
A significant portion of the country is living in fear of a reality that doesn't actually exist.
There is no penalty for intentionally lying and turning people against each other or against objective, provably correct facts.
At this point Republicans are either right about everything and America will become some capitalist paradise where everyone is Christian, white, and rich, because there's no reason to withold prosperity from the "in" group, and the Republican aim is to eliminate the "out" group.
Or, everyone who isn't a seriously wealthy businesses owning white Christian man is gonna realize they just gave the keys to the kingdom to the absolute worst people on earth who will make everything they possibly can significantly worse for 95% of Americans across the board by doing absolutely everything they said they would do.
Wonder how long it will take Republican voters to figure out who the real problems are.