Andrew Wade - Drifting
Real nice indie song that isn't anything extraordinary but it helped me ground myself in my chaotic life.
Andrew Wade - Drifting
Real nice indie song that isn't anything extraordinary but it helped me ground myself in my chaotic life.
If that's true it's fucked up...
Boring meme
Last solid remaster is probably Age of Mythologies Retold.
Most remasters by now are just junkware though.
I think it's 6-12 jurors (although it tends to be on the higher end because of dicta from the supreme court)
or I'm missing something
Unanimity is true though. One stubborn juror can cause a mistrial which means the case gets a new trial.
Dieser Typ kapillarwirkt.
I mean there's a million eyes on them, they're either gonna get the right or the whole DA is gonna be in a world of shit.
If it comes out they intentionally framed someone cause they couldn't find the right guy, there's no way this won't come out. Already disregarding the heightened likelyhood on jury nullification and general unwillingness for the public to cooperate.
There's so many news stations in proximity and so many people who'd speak out in a nanosecond, they can't even get to fuck around before they find out.
I'm friends with a former Republican social media person. I don't share his views and he's knows that, but I can appreciate his views so that I can learn.
Sometimes the most uncomfortable perspective can help you grasp some really complicated things.
And also, you might not even know what their views on the police are.
Just get to know them. Don't adapt their views if you don't subscribe to them, but listen to them and maybe you can take away some stuff here and there.
Doggo delivers mana powder until he gets head pats.
Just tell him you don't talk a lot because you need to concentrate at work and you always keep it professional because you wanna separate work and private life.
Small chance it might be awkward for a bit but he will respect it. Unless he is an asshole then you don't owe friendliness.