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I'm okay with appliance making cute little dings or buzzes but if they chime out a full song it creeps me right out. I'm gonna get the clothes out of the wash you don't have to scream "Mary had a Little Lamb" at me.


Doing some "cold-call" business/professional emailing recently, And I feel the specter of #AI

I can't see my emails seeming genuine or real or human.

Formal digital text seems even less human or trust worthy than it did in previously.

The urge to have a phone call is stronger than ever for me (as a millennial that *never* picks up).

For me, this is new, and I only noticed now and I'm a little disturbed at how AI silently altered my world view despite not really using it



Honestly I feel completly burnt out. I love my job, it's actually a place where I can relax.

Currently building a house with my soon wife and we are doing so much on our own. Currently painting and laying the floor and in two weeks we are planning on moving in.

On top of that we have a "big" wedding on the 19th July (small with family) and 20th July (family and friends) at a different location and so much organising going on. Heck, I am talking about stuff I never thought we ever needed and needs to be done because I just take it for granted if I go to weddings but every detail is so much work. From name cards, where to seat family/ friends, drinks, speech organising, food, cakes,... the list goes on.

It was never planned that house construction and wedding will be in the same year but our company took forever to start the house (november 2023) and now we are in our final steps of the house (finally!) and I am so exhausted.

Today in one month I think I am going to feel very good. Wedding is over, we eventually live in the new house and I can focus on my hobbies again.


What kind of websites did people visit? Were people friendly?


I moved from Sweden to Korea almost four years ago. Today is midsummer in Sweden. I bought the things I could get here to make some food so we could celebrate it.

We listened to Swedish music and danced, etc. It was a lot of fun.

  • Salmon
  • Toast Skagen
  • fresh potatoes
  • Danish beer
  • Sommersby cider
  • Absolut Vodka
  • strawberries with whipped cream

But those are the days where you miss your old friends the most.

Anyway, happy midsummer everyone!


It looks very labor intensive. 2 guys cutting, 2 guys holding up this big cloth so the grass would not fly on the street and one guy with the leaf blower trying to blow the grass from the sidewalk.

Do they hold up those big cloths to shield the street from the grass in your country too?


As video games develop more and more over the years, companies have been making them more and more realistic-looking. I can guess this is related to expectations, but am I the only one who doesn't care about graphics? We could be using the same processing power to store worlds that have as much exploration potential as the Earth itself if we weren't afraid to save on processing power by going back to 8-bit.


So one time, I was on a bus and this guy next to me was very bored and said "When the bell rings, the time will be 10:30 am...DING!", "When the bell rings, the time will be 10:31 am...DING!", in a robotic voice.

At first I was confused. I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I stared at him and I could just feel a wave of nostalgia. A very distant memory almost forgotten came back. I'm 7 years old, bored at home with nothing to do pre-internet. I call a landline number that has a service that tells you the time and just listen in... that's exactly what the telephone lady would say. OMG he's imitating the landline time service lol

It felt very satisfying too. It's like a eureka moment but for memory rather than thought.

Anything similar happen to you?


The most recent experience you had been putting off, but for whatever reason you tried. How did it go? Do you regret purring it off for so long?


Shutting the brain down for a week.


Can't believe it's already been a year. It's been an interesting ride.

I'm glad to have found a new home online and that I get to see my favorite Reddit app Sync reborn as a Lemmy client.

Here's to many more years 🎂🍻

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I remember at the time, lots of people being on the fence and didn't know what to believe.

Where do you land now, after all this time?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To discuss movies all week, there is [email protected] , [email protected] and [email protected]


I've definitely shared this concept or observation or whatever you want to call it before, but recent events have made me think of it again. I should clarify first that what I base this train of thought on isn't entirely something that clicks for me, something I might not get into expressing, but it definitely makes you or at least me wonder why the implications in the train of thought aren't considered, at least outside my occupation (since I'm in an occupation designed to work around the otherwise neglect of the concept), and I thought of running this by.

Back in the old days, it was common for business people to pay their workers more honestly, as in based on what they thought the worker seemed to deserve. Often the workers would seem underwhelmed. Organized criminals would then step in and say "you'll get more out of us" and so that part of society grew. For some reason, the first thing within the mind of the people in charge, trying to assess everything, was "let's invent this thing, we might call it the minimum wage". Alrighty. So this side thinking, what do we think of it? Something happened, right?

So here is where the train of thought works into the picture. Matters of monetization are just one arena up the sleeve of bad actors. A lot of people feel abruptly socially isolated. When this happens, instinct is often to seek out companions. Social life might be dead or people might be avoidant. Someone I know is in such a situation. Along comes what might be called a bad actor. To them, they might see a potential extension of themselves with freedom of minimal effort. And voila, someone new joins the "bad crowd" or "dysfunctional crowd".

Watching this unfold myself, I think to myself. Places have a "minimum reference point" for the topic of exchange/payment/whatever the word is, so then what does the non-thinking come from to apply this thought to the whole isolation thing mentioned? Anyone here have people they know who were absorbed into a bad part of society when everything seemed dead and thought "well, it's not like anyone else was going to give them what they need"?


It was saved as a bookmark on Chrome.

I’m a little stirred up and I don’t know why. It’s natural to watch that kind of stuff. But it somehow feels awkward now, being his child. I don’t know. Anybody got any, like, advice? On how to get over it? Dads? Children of dads?

Hey, at least it was labelled MILF and not young teenage girl.

Canvas in 30 days 👀 (
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From [email protected]

turns out I did my math wrong, so it’s a little less than 30 days

July 12th, 2024 @ midnight EDT

✨ this year’s event also supports the entire fediverse not just Lemmy!

(you have to be able to make/receive text posts, like mastodon, lemmy, pixelfed, etc) (peertube accounts will not work)

you can get update announcements on other fedi platforms with @[email protected] link

chat about Canvas on Matrix or Discord (they’re bridged)

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