VS Code's diff tools are killer. Comparison is smarter than most, and you can edit either file as you go.
I'm all for interesting side quests, but it does hurt immersion a little when High Priest Powervac impresses upon you how urgent it is that you stop The Great Finger Eater and save the galaxy, but you've also really got to gather nine forget-me-nots for Widow Stoop and honestly, they're of equal importance.
"Kos" is short for Markos. But it's better to make assumptions than to spend a moment actually checking anything.
Can't speak for many of the rest, but jade plants are from southern Africa. I demand geophylogenetically accurate memes.
Human. He's just pudgy with unkempt hair and a beard. Here's a different scan of the same piece - it's black and white but less artefacted.
One candidate is 78 years old, types in all-caps, and forgets what he was saying halfway through a sentence. For my money, I think it's a fair bet that the difference between a PDF and a native MS Word file eludes them.
On second thoughts...
Come to think of it, a regular client of Epstein's teenage human trafficking ring probably know more about 'PDF files' (ahem) than most of us.
I do still search for Reddit posts when looking for opinions about products, solutions to technical problems, etc - much as I don't want to use the platform, the quality of content is generally much higher than Quora, the Microsoft Forum, and other open discussion hubs.
I refuse to be an active user, though. I know it needs to make money, but fuck their attitude to their users and moderators.
This was suspected since Bentley's death back in April. I guess if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
A good point made badly. "Personally, bad English is such a turn off" would have made even less sense.
Rabies is virtually eradicated in the UK. Bats and imported animals are a potential risk, but the chance of a squirrel having rabies is nearly zero.
You are defending the murder of children.
I've got you.
Description: a closer photo of a stark, dark gravelly hill on a green landscape, with a conical depression at the top like a volcano's crater.