Not to be confused with the near-identical ACME Exploding Banana.
~~They're presumably talking about the Kursk Oblast.~~ Edit: probably not, see responses.
A computer can never be held ~~accountable~~. Therefore ~~a~~ computer ~~mu~~s~~t~~ ~~never make~~ a ~~management~~ d~~ecision~~.
The "dogs" are the Canaanites. There's lots good to be said about the character of Jesus, but this verse is straight-up nationalist.
...and not cutting in corners!
Already covered in the OP!
they don’t show up on flight radar or adsbexchane even with government filters turned on
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data", I know, but I tried three products (Swedish nicotine pouches, British vitamin supplements, French deodorant) and it got all three perfectly.
The ripoff artist made $42,0000.00
Not quite that much ;)
does exist, though I don't think anyone tends to map land ownership other than occasional estates.
Very nice that it's being supported, but I think the general consensus among MacBook owners was that it was mainly a sales gimmick and not actually that useful? With opinion divided, of course. I can imagine it would be handy for specific apps.
Obligatory "fuck Graham Linehan".