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founded 8 months ago
Rude. (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by The_Picard_Maneuver to c/justpost
Squawk (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by MacedWindow to c/justpost
submitted 2 weeks ago by runjun to c/justpost

Not a meme or anything, so I'm not quite sure where else to post this. It's been floating around since early this year, and I thought it was interesting to see and speculate about why certain states are so high/low right now.

If I could find the source of the data, I would've posted it to /c/dataisbeautiful, but without it I'd rather share it somewhere more casual.

title (i.pinimg.com)
submitted 2 weeks ago by TehBamski to c/justpost
Bitch, be cool. (i.imgur.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago by TehBamski to c/justpost

This is from 2014, but it's the first time I've come across it. Wasn't sure of the best place to post it.

Creepy as hell.

Pigeon Posse (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago by MacedWindow to c/justpost
The High Bob (i.imgur.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago by irreticent to c/justpost
Nice Work (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago by homesweethomeMrL to c/justpost
me_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by MacedWindow to c/justpost
submitted 1 month ago by MacedWindow to c/justpost

I work in security at a northern michigan ski/golf resort. The resort spans 2 properties and has a combined total of roughly 3000 acres. As you might expect, it can be a tough job at times, with drunks, noise complaints, safety issues, etc but wtf do you do when your job is mostly just tough for simply feeling "creepy"? There's a chunk of buildings on the main property that have wigged me out since day one of my employment. The buildings in question are the restaurants (3 in one building) at the top of one of our ski hills, the daycare (located at the top of another one of our ski hills), both our ski services and ski rental buildings (both buildings are located at the bottom of one of our ski hills), the cafe, and our convention center, along with our shop on the north property (also creeps me out), which sits amidst 4 massive golf courses. It started with me hearing a mans voice in the convention center that sounded nothing like any of my coworkers there with me, then a few weeks later a loud BANG I heard when patrolling the convention center one night alone. At first, I thought nothing of it until one slow night when I decided to do some digging into the resorts past. It turns out that at the time, there were 4 deaths on or associated with the resort that i could find either through google or word of mouth. The original owner was dead and apparantly "shows up" in the convention center, rarily. One skier died on the bottom of one of our ski hills (the one located by the daycare), one death was an employee who worked ski patrol (they have an office in the cafe that rests between our ski hills) that was off site, and one was a guest who died on one of our courses over on the second property due to hundreds of bee stings after hitting a ball into a thicket of trees. These areas creeped me out already, but now they're even creepier. Then, a weird stretch of deaths started occurring, starting last September 20th, in the restaurant building, which I was part of. A guest choked to death, and we couldn't save him. Then, a dishwasher died in the breakroom of the building, another employee died off property who worked in the spa of our main hotel, and then another employee, who was a cook in the restaurant building, suddenly died off property. Each death occurred almost once every month. Is this place cursed? Haunted? Both? I don't know, to be honest. The entire place just creeps me out now. I don't know where else to put this on Lemmy, so here I am. Is this shit weird, or am I overthinking it?

Hi Mom (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by homesweethomeMrL to c/justpost

Didn't know where to share this.


I don't know if there's a place on Lemmy yet to post interesting charts/graphs, so I've just been dropping stuff here.

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