I think the logic is that a low birth rate is bad for the state. To harm the state makes one an anti-socialist.
Love the holiday edition!
I think the holidays are like most things, for better or worse they mostly enhance whatever mindset you're in. (With exceptions etc)
Unhappy about life? Holidays probably not awesome in general.
Happy about it? Absolute blast.
That being said, if you want to work towards making things better, the holidays do offer a lot of opportunities!
Exactlty. I found this a really uplifting story.
Sorry, missed this amongst a few less knowledgeable replies.
Generally, I understand the Arab states as the aggressor in that.
The Israeli attack was a first strike but happened with multiple armies deployed along its borders.
It's been awhile since I read about that war but my memory is that someone (Egypt?) cut off a Israel's access to a major maritime route. Israel reiterated its decade long position that such an act was grounds for war. In other words saying "if you do this, we consider a war to have begun."
The Arab states deploy troops and units along multiple Israeli borders. A quick look at total troops available to the new Arab defence pact suggest they outmanned Israel's by almost 2:1, with more than 2:1 and 3:1 advantage in aircraft and tanks respectively. (I admittedly I have no memory of quality of those forces.)
The destruction of the Egyptian airforce is pretty famous in military history and based on those facts, I've always felt the Arab states as the aggressor in that one.
What parts or acts, other than the act of existing, am I ignorant of or misremembering that make Israel the aggressor?
Oh damn, that's so much more efficient!
What are some eggregious practices of theirs? I took a look online and some stuff that maybe hardcore gamers are bothered by but as a filthy casual, well, they've given me so mamy free games that I've enjoyed over the years, I actually make an effort to support them...
I thought the game awards were like the Oscars in that they are supposed to ignore the commercial success of the nominations? (Never follow that stuff so I could be completely wrong.)
Just checked, you're correct. Next one drops Dec 20. I guess they're doing a free week of games for Christmas.
Yup! Because even on short term trend lines, most of us in the first world are doing fine relative to the world, which I find incredibly short sighted. Would you trade places with the children who make your clothes?
Amazing reference, I love smbc.
But, here's how I imagine our complaints sound to oh, most of the world today:
A lot of those are problems caused by phones regardless of whether one uses one themselves.
But for the personal ones, there are self aware addicts of all kinds. Smokers know cigarettes are killing them, complain about them, sometimes even hate them but can't stop.
Edit: pair o words