Thank you!
Therapy might obviate the need for an escape and is likely free in your area! And you know folks would happily look up resources for you with nothing more than a region.
Whether you want to escape, well that's up to you.
What's your process for making these works
Oh you lucky duck.
I'm fairly confident few people would choose this scheme because otherwise you would've already sold your homes and kept the difference...
How does your scheme protect from devaluation? If my home drops say, 200k but you're going to offset some of that in pensions, okay, let's put aside the lost equity, how does this stop me losing say, half the equity in my home from some random devaluation?
Providing a living pension doesn't mean I'm no longer interested in the investment I've spent 20 years paying off...
or we could free them from it and have wages rise proportionally or increase corporate taxes.
This is not a napkin calculation, this is handwaving!
I'm not you, I try.
What do you dislike about the concept of free mental health to help the things that clearly bother you?
Not just not open to feedback, but not open to the feedback that he himself solicited!
Except most people aren't buying second hand, so you're complaining about a non-existent problem.
Edit: As an amazing proof of concept, I'm in a dive bar, saw a pair of gloves in a wicker basket of lost and found and asked about them. The bartender gave them to me, notinf they'd been here for more than a year. These are easily several hundred dollar gloves.
But if things really got to the point where many people were willing to buy second hand, there are in fact ethical brands as well for those who need new. Myself, I buy few things but as much as I can ethical either 2nd hand or from happy factories. (Though, goddamn I cannot find ethical boxers for a semi reasonable price. If you got tips...)
How is offering to help you find a licensed mental health professional for free trying to piss you off?
And, more importantly, you keep asking "how do you do X, Y Z?" And people keep taking time to help you out!
Oh, neat! I didn't realize that much like clothes there are ethical internet alternatives. Which do you use?
Hey Marge, remember when we used to make out to this hymn?