It truly is a mystery why the French have a reputation for being haughty assholes. The world may never know.
I think RT is about 100% government funded, do you like them?
A more concise headline is "Nobody wants a Swastikar"
No, they surely would not lie, especially Online! Online is free of lies, don't you know??
Perfect yourself, enjoy your "Satellite State of Rome during the Fall of Rome Era" era DX
I see, opinion discarded!
Insta edit: only cowards need a /s
Well, don't be a bitch about it, pull a Fort Sumter or shut it lmfao
I think Tolkien has words for the corrupted, the lesser beings that are greedy agressive morons, "orcs"
I know my meme game has died and ascended into Boomerdoom, for I've seen this about 12 times and IDK what's up
A firearm is necessary literally anywhere that has predators, unless you want to have all your livestock killed.
Also necessary if a tweaker decides on a midnight visit, as the police are half an hour or more away.
Damn dude, I'm the same height with hairy size 11s, I get called Hobbitfoot by my brother.