Oh another post, my friend's parents had a kinkajou that lived in the couch and pooped from high shelves at night.
There's a guy on Instagram who has two absolutely massive pythons, like 16 feet long and thick as tires. They drape themselves across his young daughter very casually, and she spends time playing Barbies with the big one. The owner is very educated about snakes and obviously takes very good care of them, and isn't some trash person who just wants violent animals, but much like pit bulls all it takes is one wrong turn and that child could die in a terrible way. I know some pet snakes are very docile, but something that could take it into its head to strangle me for dinner is not a pet to me.
People's pit bull apologia is bad enough, we had a person in my ER one night who had been walking their friend's pit bull who they walked often, who yanked the leash when he saw another dog, and when they tried to grip it the dog turned around and began mauling them, and ripped their arm right off. Someone called 911 and the cops showed up and had to shoot the dog and kill it to get it off them, and they took both them and the arm to our hospital but couldn't save it. My niece is also missing part of her lip because of a pit bull. Those are exotic animals that are extremely dangerous to me, fuck that nanny dog bullshit.
This one is funny, I innocently listened to Motley Crue when I was about 12, Girls Girls Girls in particular. You know that lyric about the menage a trois? There was no Internet in those days, so I just thought I'd ask my French teacher. She covered a smile and told me it meant three people were living in a house together.
Smoking everywhere and anywhere. Younger folks have no idea how ubiquitous it was, not to sound boomerish, but everything smelled so bad, and people would smoke in places that would shock you now, like in hospitals they would smoke in the nurses station, if you walked into a clothing store at the mall they'd be smoking at the counter, etc. Even when they did things like making that glass room for smokers at Tim Hortons, I once saw a woman sitting in there with her toddler in a stroller puffing away. It was actually amazing that anyone put a stop to public smoking because so many people did it.
So so good!
Maybe, I'll ask her. Generally the answer seems to be no when I've looked.
I am helpless with mirth.
I asked a sovereign citizen expert if she knew how many there were in the world and nobody knows. Which makes sense as most of them get indignant if you call them a sovereign citizen, and some of them just dip their toes into the ideology a little. It's never been documented that it works for any of them, although some of them claim it does.
I've seen exactly one in all my sovcit observations who admitted it didn't work, and they chucked him out of the group. He ended up evicted for not paying rent, because he decided he had paid enough rent, and 20K in debt.
And he'll also sue you for living under my roof illegally.
Isn't that something?
I'm glad! I don't post poems with God in them very often because many people don't appreciate that, even if the poem isn't religious, but this is just such a fine poem regardless of the God.