He has been known to... rage against the machine...
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I can't remember if it was a Twitter screenshot or not, but I remember someone responding to one of those "hurr durr look at this band becoming political" with my favorite quip ever:
"What machine did you think they were raging against? A dishwasher??"
If it was a printer, I definitely would have believed it
PC load letter, arrrrgh[long riffing guitar solo]
I remember that! Definitely one of my favourites too!
A cherished moment
2 of my favorite things to watch these days: -reaction videos of people first hearing RATM or Audioslave, and -bitter disappointment from right-wingers that somehow imagined 'the machine' to be the gub'mint
Example: this guy on his project/series to listen to white people music made my sooty heart glad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ArWjfyNMoY&ab_channel=RobTV
Not sure there are many musicians that could be considered more qualified to spout political opinions than the members of rage against the machine. Even if tom wasnt a honours grad in political science he would still be more qualified through experience and proximity to zack than most twitter posters.
The guy was from Michigan. I remember, since I had shame for the idiot.
I think this might be one of my favorite things!
Cross posting this to r/murderedbywords … oh wait no…