
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

GPS, music. That's the necessities for me.

Now, I would want a physical keyboard like my old pre-smart lg reflex had, if I had to give up the smart phone. fuck texting on a regular phone keyboard.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 hours ago


My block list is long enough it lags my browser when I try to scroll through it.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 9 hours ago

You should have seen and heard the room when I slipper announced that I was doing a campaign in my home brew system/universe and it was going to be based on Big Trouble in Little China, very loosely.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Kind of out of left field, so please ignore this at any point if it isn't useful to you.

I have an acquaintance that has a similar issue. Not exactly the same, since light doesn't bother him. But, as he's tried ways to deal with sound sensitivity, over-ear active noise cancelling headphones have worked well when there's some reason earplugs can't be used.

Which, not everyone can stand the pressure on their outer ear, or be able to sleep with them on. So, again I hope the unsolicited bit of information is helpful rather than intrusive, and feel free to tell me to bugger off if you like.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 12 hours ago

Hmmm, kind of a broad thing.

When I think comfort films, it's about the movies you watch when you're sick or need a bit of a boost. Conventionally, that would be the Willy Wonka movie (the Wilder one).

But there's also Rocky Horror, Man of La Mancha, and Arsenic & Old Lace that are go-to for when I'm sick, or just suck of the world. I don't know how unconventional those are, though.

There's also Godzilla movies, typically the older ones.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 16 hours ago

Hell man, I know this isn't worth much, but I hope you find a path to explore and live your sexuality, whatever that may be.

If you decide to come out, just know that you've got support out here in the world, and respect for the work it takes to overcome that kind of difficulty with upbringing. If you decide not to, just know that you've got support out here in the world, and respect for making your own decision about your self, which can be brutal with that kind of upbringing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 17 hours ago

Ahhh, Kids in the Hall is it.

I probably have seen some of the other stuff on TV at some point, but that and SCTV are all that come to mind, and SCTV I never saw back then, it was only after the internet that I finally saw some, so I don't know if it counts for what you're asking.

Kinda strange considering how many of the SCTV cast are on my list of favorite comedic actors.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 17 hours ago

Not all of them, that's very true.

But you'd be surprised how many hunters will get pissed off at bad shots. Making a kill quick and clean is kinda part and parcel of serious hunters.

But you wouldn't strap a living deer onto your vehicle. You field dress any game you're taking home, even if it was trophy (though, fuck trophy hunting). You don't let the guts stay in place any longer than necessary, and you want the carcass to start cooling asap. That cooling goes faster when the internal organs aren't holding heat, and the insides are able to be cooled directly

Ain't no deer surviving field dressing.

Now, I was never a deer hunter. A lot of my family were, and were generous with the meat, so me taking down another one would have been pointless, wasteful, and that made me not willing to actually kill a deer. I used to have some great pictures I took from a stand though. But, I had no issues helping do the work necessary after someone else did.

You just wouldn't ever drag a deer to your car and strap it on without field dressing (aka gutting, for anyone not aware). It would likely taint part of the meat. And, again, it would slow cooling, so any meat not tainted by the breakdown of the guts could end up spoiling as well, in a worst case.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

Eh, I ain't mad at em.

It's no different than anime cars, or hot rods with flames, or any other unnecessary but fun for the owner decorations. Not my cup of tea, I draw the line at a maximum of three pieces of auto flair, in the form of placards, stickers, or decals not to exceed a 6×6 area equivalent. That's my personal limit, but I ain't hating anyone trying to find their happy with decorations.

And, tbh, if I had a truck, that motherbumper would have a sexy sasquatch on the rear. All kicked back, chilling. Totally over used, but I still think it's hilariously over the top. Some things just demand to be done, and you can't deny the call of the 'squatch.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 17 hours ago

Whew. They just wanted to piss people off lol.




In any language, this shit is brutal


Because everyone should hear this at least once


Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

It is, however, unforgettable.


Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


Thrash in your face!


I think my face is melting now


Pretty fucking dope


This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.


Because burning the prison down is only part of the story


He's going to the country of Louisiana to get a mojo hand, a voodoo magic working.

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