The hysteria over fentanyl is insane. The fact that cops act like they’re going to die from just barely touching the stuff and this is taken seriously is Idiocracy tier.
The opioid epidemic is because the Sackler family and Purdue made money from convincing doctors that opioids weren’t addictive - as in, the epidemic traces back to a letter to the editor that suggested that opioids weren’t addictive and was taken at face value as encouraged by the pharm industry.
The fentanyl shit is a distraction. People don’t typically seek out fentanyl, they seek out substitutes for opioids that they often became addicted to legally, with the full encouragement of the medical industry.
Beyond that, there’s a serious refusal to take pain seriously in the medical community which leads to people looking to self-medicate. (Like, just this year it’s finally standard practice to offer painkillers during IUD insertion - lots of us were told that it wouldn’t hurt/there weren’t nerves there. Yeah, forcing sharp shit through a cervix hurts.)
The opioid epidemic is horrific and tragic, but it’s not the fault of the cartels - they’re just reaching for their cut.