I liked the first one better. I guess I was just looking for the rogue-like fix of "failing forward" on subsequent runs, but the gameplay loop is much wider on the second one and that didn't quite satisfy me the same way.
I love this sort of video, but the attention-grabber opening segment drives me crazy every time I see one.
I know this is a shit post, but scribble dry erase marker over it.
Seveneves was a wild ride, and I appreciated the way its scope broadened, but I definitely wasn't expecting it.
Listened to the book and watched the extended cut just the other day. It's quite funny, definitely part of Andy Weir's charm, but it's far more dramatic a story than it is a comedy.
Some of the longer, reflective scenes in the extended cut give it a more somber tone, but they don't actually add anything to the story.
I've had it installed for a while now, but I haven't really jumped in. Are there any particular janky bits to be wary of?
Which would actually explain my preference...!
Completely tongue-in-cheek. I just didn't like his show as much as I liked Bill Nye.
Beakman (and his supposed "world") was only ever a knockoff of Bill Nye, who himself was just a nice Mr. Wizard.
I think it's better now than it used to be. Everything they make is good, really.
Looking at his mugshot, it feels like he's leaning into that.