I can definitely do this. Works perfectly for my schedule
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These never work. The US isn't a high-school you can just pass literature around
50501 worked. lots of people turned out
Even though I think a non critical mass of people will show up and participate in these events this should be used as an opportunity to start organizing now and building support/aid/action networks. Tell people about it and plant the seeds of resistance. At the least you’ll figure out who’s you can rely on and who’s going to roll over.
We also can’t give up early when/if these actions don’t yield the results we want either. Things are going to get VERY bad before they get better. We have to be more persistent than the fascists.
Absolutely. Making irl connections and building community plans are such an important component attending protest.
That would be great if a significant number of people did it. Unfortunately, I doubt enough will. I would help if I was an American, instead I can just wish you luck. You need it. (Not that the rest of the world isn't affected too, of course)
I went to the last one of these. It was worryingly small. I'm still going to this one.
Speaking from the POV of someone inside the US: It is extremely likely that shit will get out of hand at some point, and it would be good to be at least somewhat plugged-in with the people who are against it. Alone, we're fucked.
By the time it gets "out of hand" everyone will be too destitute to protest.
I am actually shocked people can do it now. If i were to take 3 days off from work with short notice, i would be left without without asthma meds and the ability to breathe.
I doubt there will be significant numbers with the low temps predicted. Still gotta show up if you care, non-Americans excluded 😉.
No harm in taking the day off if you can
Siiiiiigh strikes don't get organized overnight, they take quite a lot of planning and logistics to pull it off successfully. People still need to eat and sleep and survive even while on a strike. Posting a canva flyer with dates on lemmy doesn't tell us how the hell any kind of logistics or support is going to come to the people on strike.
Hi friends. You are starting with the end game if you are worrying about where support is going to come from, etc There will be no support until it arises organically, following buy-in of people who see something happening that they are down with If you don't build it, they definitely won't come
"no support until it arises organically" that is literally the point of unions and mutual aid groups and literally any kind of organizing. Support and logistics is foundational to any kind of political organizing.
…and people get connected to those groups by showing up to events like this. Sometimes you need to jump instead of worrying about the chicken or the egg coming first
Strikes are not the places to be meeting people to organize, strikes are the endgame, one of the last options to take when all other negotiations break down. Organizing and logistics and meeting people, that's what union meetings and finding yourself a local mutual aid group are for, not the actual day of the strike.
Movements of all kinds live or die on logistics and organization.
“What came first, the chicken or the egg?”
Grassroots, real get things done stuff, is how things get done. That is done by stepping out to real events that you align with. That’s best where and how to learn about organizing. City council meetings, protests & everywhere in between all are valid…and ways to pursue change under the first amendment.
I have met some amazing people a protests that I still hold as dear friends..I suppose your mileage may vary.
Who specifically is leading and organizing this?
Constantly spreading around leaderless calls to action is actively harmful to real progress.
This has got to be the most American thing ever, expecting there's some hero that's going to save the day.
Go out and be one yourself.
Monster hunter wilds drops the same day as 2. Coincidence?
I can easily do the 2nd and 3rd one, but no way I could handle the first one.
Do what you can. Any and all resistance is needed
Few people will show up. Things are still abstract and few people are directly affected by four weeks of the authoritarian ramp up. But give it time.
gotta start somewhere with something. even if it's small, if you think it's important show out and do it
What about those of us who have to work to put food on the table? Attending a protest or rally is one thing, but participating in a general strike is something else entirely.
Your life is yours, and how you participate is up to you.
I can't just call out of work for this, but if another protest is planned a bit more in advance I will totally go. I think there are a lot of people like me who would attend these protests if they were a bit better planned.
It’s ok. You don’t have to, this may not be for you. It’s really not difficult to plan for, but that’s my opinion. People protest not because it’s easy, but because it’s important to us.
You can sick out.
If you can't do that, I for one understand.
I have regretted every protest I skipped and none of the ones I attended, for what it's worth.
source ?
It’s been going around Bluesky for a while now. Here’s one: https://bsky.app/profile/anonymousprofitt.bsky.social/post/3lhti24dmwk2o
Great, please add this in the header of your post so all users will know readily.