
joined 1 year ago
[–] Klear 64 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Everybody knows asteroids always fall into craters, so it was just a matter of putting the centre next to the crater so it wasn't hit.

[–] Klear 2 points 11 hours ago

Historians pretty much agree that Jesus was a historical figure, even though heavily fictionalised.

[–] Klear -1 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Please provide evidence for Caesar.

[–] Klear 5 points 15 hours ago

Indeed. The headcanon part is the whole hijacking part.

Truth be told, it makes perfect sense for religions as a whole following some type of evolutionary path and that a religion that actively tries to eliminate other faith would be one to eventually gain dominance. I'm more surprised that it seems to have happened fairly late and perhaps just once? There's probably others similar to the judeo-christian tradition that ended up falling short of their conquest, but still.

[–] Klear 11 points 15 hours ago (5 children)

My headcanon is that the Old Testament was a god specifically of the Jews and some upstart god took over (possibly after murdering him) in the New Testament days and then proceeded to spread his influence to non-jewish people while aggressively eliminating any opposition. Wherease in the old days people believed in various gods, this one started of campaign of montheism, depriving the rest of them of faith and eliminating them one by one. Nowadays he's kicking and screaming because the rise of atheism in many parts of the world which used to be his strongold is depriving him of energy and thus he finally faces annihilation.

[–] Klear 1 points 15 hours ago

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

- Samuel Beckett

[–] Klear 2 points 16 hours ago

Because of the implication.

[–] Klear 2 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

I'm pretty sure cookie clicker has no victory condition, it just goes on and on. At least it was that way last time I played it. Things might have changed since.

[–] Klear 2 points 21 hours ago

An interesting trait that moles share with sharks.

[–] Klear 3 points 21 hours ago (3 children)

This reminds me of an exhibiton I once saw called "No Pain, No Game". The idea being that any sort of game has some failure state, some obstacle to overcome, that's what makes it a game. So of course I started thinking of counter-examples. Your slot machine idea is a good one, what I eventually came up with is Cookie Clicker. That game is nothing but positive reinforcement. There's no way to lose progress or mess anything up, any action you take makes you "win more". Not taking an action also makes you "win more", just more slowly.

This showerthought is an idea adjacent to that all. Interesting stuff, even though it's not too deep.

[–] Klear 40 points 23 hours ago (3 children)

Now I'm wondering how you draw a girl with 5 text-to-speech (tts) programs.


Old Money by myself and Kapsyloffer. Hope you like it!

submitted 11 months ago by Klear to c/askouija

The game uses impossible spaces to let you simply walk around the game world using your feet, teleporting or stick movement (though the later is an option if you really want it). Really cool concept - highly recommended!

Launch trailer

App Lab


submitted 11 months ago by Klear to c/askouija
Who's a good boy? (self.askouija)
submitted 11 months ago by Klear to c/askouija
submitted 11 months ago by Klear to c/askouija
My cuties (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Klear to c/cat

Damn, missed my chance to have it be a date I'd remember for a change.

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