
joined 10 months ago
[–] BadmanDan 0 points 4 days ago

Because the Dems agenda requires 60 votes due to filibusters. Mainly because Dems want to spend money on social services. Where as the GOP’s agenda just involves a bunch of cuts. That can all be done through reconciliation.

And the GOP has either had a majority in the senate or a tie for the last 10 years.

[–] BadmanDan 0 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I tried to do ban evasion. They most likely have my internet footprint. So wack.

[–] BadmanDan 2 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I got perma banned from Reddit, now I’m here. Somehow, this place is even more tankie than that place. It seems like any forum is either Marxist Bernie Bro Echo Chamber or a Racist MAGAT one.

I’m solidly on the left as a liberal, but it seems like neither side knows how civics or federal politics works.

Unironically, these guys are more performative than the Dems they bash 😂

[–] BadmanDan 0 points 5 days ago (1 children)

So it accomplished nothing. Whatever they were voting on will continue without them.

[–] BadmanDan 2 points 5 days ago

Trump has completely gutted the NLRB

[–] BadmanDan 0 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Dude you’re fighting an uphill battle in this echo chamber. These guys simply don’t live in reality.

[–] BadmanDan 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Then why could he never win a primary?

[–] BadmanDan 0 points 5 days ago

Get in trouble for what?

[–] BadmanDan -2 points 5 days ago

What impeachment process? They don’t have the votes? You can’t convict the president without a 2/3 majority in the senate.

[–] BadmanDan -1 points 5 days ago
[–] BadmanDan 0 points 5 days ago

They never can. They’re just bullshitting

[–] BadmanDan -1 points 5 days ago

What performative actions did republicans congressman do that stopped Dem’s agenda?


I remember the Hilary PUMA voters protesting Obama’s victory in 2008, but I don’t remember them saying it was rigged.

We’re years removed from 2016 and 2020, and yet both the far left and far right are accusing democrats of rigging elections. NOBODY cares about who dropped out and endorsed someone, or the media wanting one candidate over the other, or Dominion Voting Machines, or the fallacy that illegals are voting. It’s getting ridiculous, the people who vote are ADULTS who can think for themselves.

If anything, you could make an argument that the system was rigged against Hillary, she got more votes than Bernie, then went onto the general and got more votes than Trump, and didn’t become president. If this was vice versa, you’d never hear the end of it from the Bernie or Trump cults online.


cross-posted from:

THIS IS NOT A TROLL. I’d like a deeper dive into this as a black man.

For context, I’ve voted Democratic my entire life, same with my family & most of my friends, including most of my white friends. We tend to agree on the obvious issues in American politics like lobbyist & foreign affairs. But we continue to vote Democratic because we see it as the best way forward for progress compared to the GOP.

But my question is why are white people specifically so strong for the GOP? It seems like no matter which election you look at post civil rights, the GOP either comfortably wins the white vote, or narrowly wins it. Despite issues like the war on drugs, early 90s recession, war on terror, mortgage crisis, Trump’s abysmal response to COVID, cuts to Social Secuirty, Tax Cuts for the Rich, etc. It seems like the white electorate always backs Republicans in big numbers. No matter what.

You could say the same for black people and the Democratic Party, but we are a far smaller voting base that can’t really decide elections outside of a state like Georgia (I live in Chicago). But also, the Dems aren’t perfect, I don’t expect any political party to be, but their track record and policy positions work much better for the common man to me.

Obviously there’s a large contingent of white voters who greatly represent the progressive movements on the left more than any other group, but they’re vastly outnumbered by their Republican counterparts. And Trump did worse with white women in 2024 more than any Republican has post-civil rights.

TLDR; Why does it seem like no matter what Republicans do, white voters who always give them a large amount of support? If Dems held policy positions and had the rhetoric of the modern day Republican Party, I doubt black people would support them.


THIS IS NOT A TROLL. I’d like a deeper dive into this as a black man.

For context, I’ve voted Democratic my entire life, same with my family & most of my friends, including most of my white friends. We tend to agree on the obvious issues in American politics like lobbyist & foreign affairs. But we continue to vote Democratic because we see it as the best way forward for progress compared to the GOP.

But my question is why are white people specifically so strong for the GOP? It seems like no matter which election you look at post civil rights, the GOP either comfortably wins the white vote, or narrowly wins it. Despite issues like the war on drugs, early 90s recession, war on terror, mortgage crisis, Trump’s abysmal response to COVID, cuts to Social Secuirty, Tax Cuts for the Rich, etc. It seems like the white electorate always backs Republicans in big numbers. No matter what.

You could say the same for black people and the Democratic Party, but we are a far smaller voting base that can’t really decide elections outside of a state like Georgia (I live in Chicago). But also, the Dems aren’t perfect, I don’t expect any political party to be, but their track record and policy positions work much better for the common man to me.

Obviously there’s a large contingent of white voters who greatly represent the progressive movements on the left more than any other group, but they’re vastly outnumbered by their Republican counterparts. And Trump did worse with white women in 2024 more than any Republican has post-civil rights.

TLDR; Why does it seem like no matter what Republicans do, white voters who always give them a large amount of support? If Dems held policy positions and had the rhetoric of the modern day Republican Party, I doubt black people would support them.


Nintendo was one of the last companies trying to innovate with each console they released. Whilst Xbox & PlayStation simply went the “more power = better” route.

But it feels like Nintendo has caved in, and is just following suite. Are there any gimmicks left to sell consoles? Or is it just gonna be like smart phones, we just upgrade because that’s what we do.

I’m gonna miss the era of Nintendo giving us never before seen technology on the mainstream

Gameboy (Handheld) N64 (Analog Stick) DS (Touch Screen) Wii (Motion Control) Switch (Hybrid Console)


I saw an Andrew Yang post promoting his Foward Party (trash btw) aiming at gathering right wingers to a populist option instead of the GOP since Trump is corrupt.

And the comments are full of people saying MAGA is the third party option OR that he’s a democratic shill.

Yang posted a similar post promoting his party aimed at liberals to diverge from the Democratic Party and the comments were supportive and saying how the Democratic Party should die.


Just gonna keep this short and to the point.

We all know FDR only went so far with including black people in new deal programs to appease the southern coalition of Dems. He also denied entry for Jewish Refugees and deported many Mexicans during the Great Depression.

Once LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act, Dems essentially lost the South forever.

Nixon pulled federal funding from affordable public housing in black neighborhoods and it strengthened his base.

Reagan blamed the aids epidemic on gay people and was embraced by the country.

Obama had to run on being anti-gay marriage in 08, but ran on being pro-gay marriage in 2012 and lost some support.

Trump spent millions in anti-trans ads. And leaned into the trans panic.

I know social issues aren’t everything, but it seems like that’s the direction America has gone post Civil Rights.



Asking for a friend? It’s tough out here. No face shots.


He headlined the two most bought and highest grossing pro wrestling PPVs of all time (2007 & 2012). Yet people don’t see him as the biggest draw.

Wouldn’t being able to get people to pay actual money to watch you, instead of just watching for free make you a legit draw?


Straight forward question. If leftist hate the Democratic Party so much, why don’t they all come together and create their own party. Have their own primaries, campaigns, candidates, etc.


Gonna keep this short and straight to the point, we all know how they act.

With trump siding with the Tech Bros Billionaires on immigration, even after his most die hard supporters were against it. I see several MAGAS just falling in line with Elon calling them stupid and that’s why we need more educated and qualified people to take these better jobs (whilst we’re on the cusp of deleting the Department of Education).

Anyone with functions eyes and ears can tell you they’ve been played, but they’re still deeply loyal to trump even though he back tracking on one of his biggest (and few) positions. Without mass deportations or hawkish immigration laws. What the hell does trump even offer to these people other than the occasional dog whistles they love?

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