WWE is in its Capitalism Era.
Adapt. Instead of worrying about the broader economy, only focus on YOUR internal economy. Fight capitalism with your capitalism.
That’s going to backfire on Florida in the future. Social Media is leading factor in the youth turning conservative.
They’re still gonna use it anyways.
No, if people want to be trans, they will. Trans people is not a new thing, just like being gay. You can throw all the regulations against them as you want, at the end of the day, the strong ones will always defy his authority because that’s what they believe in.
I try to, but people look at me like I just threatened their life. I’m also black, so that dosent help 😂
Population Control matters. The more people WORKING, the more successful the country is from the ground up. If everyone in the US collectively stopped working, the country would fall in about a week.
Never. Or atleast not until conservative propaganda completely dies down. People really have a warped reality when understanding how conservative this country is.
When you say something REALLY insensitive or ignorant and they don’t smile or laugh, they just ignore you.
Racism is real, don’t believe people who say it isn’t or it’s not a big deal.
Unless you’re white, then it isn’t real.
Verizon because I’ve been stuck with them for like 7 years.
That’s how my friend is about this. She wants feel attractive and make some extra change at the same time.