Fun fact: there has been more time between the first use of singular they and today than there was between the first use of plural they and the start of the criticism of singular they
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Singular They is only hated by the uneducated and stuffy grammar nazis from the 1920s
The Wikipedia page says it was criticized in the mid 18th century
Learning French it just seemed normal to use singular they
Southern Italian here, lets get Loro up in this houuuuuse
Tom Scott has a page of reflections and corrections for that video from a few years ago. He's a good ally but I think we all envy past Tom's optimism.
I also appreciate the thoughtfulness he showed when he found out someone he had recently collaborated with had made transphobic comments in the past.
You're never going to appease everyone, and I appreciate that he shared the thinking that led him to his decision. I just regret not finding out about the incident until like a week after I ordered her book.
I'm a couple years behind on his content, who was the person he collabed with?
Gender neutral pronouns are just so much more convenient; I tend to use them even when I know someone's gender. I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.
I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.
In the long run I predict that "they" will follow the same path as "you" - it'll become increasingly more associated with the singular, until it's the default interpretation. I also predict that both "they" and "you" will eventually require a pluraliser to convey the plural.
"Vos" (you, singular) in Rioplatense Spanish followed a similar path.
If that's correct, eventually there'll be explicitly singular second and third person pronouns.
my prediction is for th'all and y'all or just thal and yal in the long run
Not outside of the US...
Most people's English is more closely linked to American English anyway, or otherwise follow their own development path
And especially in the age of the internet, where language changes quickly spread globally
I believe I read somewhere that the singular for "they" used to be "thy", but that makes language sound terribly old. Doubt it'll get picked up in the mainstream
Dude is supposed to be gender neutral and singular.
Still, maybe don't. Not everyone agrees with the gender neutrality of "dude". How many dudes have you slept with?
i think there is alot to be said about the influence of patriarchy on masculine words becomming applied to everyone. men being seen as the norm and all that...
Ahah, you changed it plural which genders it. It’s dudes and dudettes in that case.
Did you see that dude I slept with last night?
Totally different now that it’s a singular.
Yeah language sucks.
nah i still see "i slept with a dude" as "i slept with a man", sorry
maybe it's the article that makes it seem masc? A dude, vs "hey, dude!"
I think it's the difference of referencing another person using the word "dude" vs talking to a person and calling them "dude"
Hey dude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
I also make a point of saying y'all to include the 50% of humans without cocks.
But when the World needed him most, he vanished.
Every time I read “he or she” I think “YOU COULD HAVE SAVED FIVE CHARACTERS!!”
mad respect for counting those spaces
Programmer brain go brrrrr
If they're here, then why am I alone 😓
Tom Scott is so jacked in that video!