
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

That is a very unfortunate thumbnail, I legitimately thought it was a giant cigarette butt.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

"Increasing rate of decline" might be more technically correct, but we all knew what you meant. :)

[–] [email protected] 21 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

I love this line, talking about the Green New Deal:

It called for converting the electric grid to 100 percent clean energy this decade, declared clean air, clean water and healthy food to be basic human rights. But it also endorsed free health care and affordable housing for all Americans.

The use of "but" suggests that either the first part of that statement, or the last part, is a big negative, e.g. "She wants to fund animal shelters, but she also wants to kill dolphins", or "She wants to kill puppies, but she also wants to clean up the oceans."

So... which half is supposed to be the bad one? They both seem great to me. I'm so confused by these discussions.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Technically everything with mass creates its own gravitational field; most things just aren't massive enough for it to be detectable.

[–] [email protected] 146 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Seriously, is this supposed to be deterring people? Who looks at any of those and thinks they're a bad thing, except for oil executives, corporate investors, landlords and the ultra-rich?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

He also 'jokes' about sexy animals a lot more than any normal person would, and he's clearly very aware of the furry fandom.

Honestly if he's not a furry, I don't ever want to find that out for sure, because him being a furry is my favorite head canon. I want to believe.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago (5 children)

He's noteworthy because he wears his fursuit head to pro level gaming tournaments. He's said before that at least part of the reason he does it is because it unnerves his opponents.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 days ago

Stable Diffusion (AI image generation) runs fully locally. The models (the datasets you're referring to) are generally around 3GB in size. It's more about the processing power needed for it to run (it's very GPU-intensive) than the storage size on disk.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago (4 children)

There’s not much point to a 3 hour work day if you have work 3 different jobs

Not that I'm advocating for it, but... Working 3 jobs @ 15 hours a week each would mean you'd be a lot more resilient against layoffs and would be able to quit any of those jobs at the drop of a hat if things got shitty (knowing you'd only be losing 1/3 of your income, rather than 100% of it). It would represent a solid shift of power into the hands of the workers.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

It's better to vote for a 3rd party or spoil your ballot rather than not voting at all. If you show that you will take the time to go to the polls, but will not vote for them, it sends a message. Not voting also sends a message but that message is that they shouldn't care what you think because you won't influence the election in any way.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

And even if it is, will a company with 39 billion in net income last year even care?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

You finally get it.

There is no Act III.

Mankind is doomed.

It has been a very long wait. The few singles they've released are bangers, though. I'm holding out hope.

I was at the Pax East show the year they debuted Hold Back the Night and holy cow, the hype in that room was off the charts. The Gambler has a great voice and you can really see the passion on her face when she sings.


Let's get some furry shit up in there. We can create / share a template so we're all working on something cohesive. Any interest / anyone have any suggestions for something to draw?

Community Link


The hacktivists, which describe themselves as made up of "gay furry hackers," usually target government orgs whose policies they disagrees with, and have a flare for political publicity stunts, also posted a link to the purported stolen files on their Telegram channel.

"The astonishing siegedsec hackers have struck NATO once more!!1!!!," the crew wrote, bragging: "NATO: 0. Siegedsec: 2."

The team is referring to its earlier NATO intrusion in July, during which it claimed it swiped information belonging to 31 nations and leaked 845MB of data from the alliance's the Communities of Interest (COI) Cooperation Portal.


"Some game developers are turning to artificial intelligence to make the creative process faster and easier—and cheaper, too. At Google Cloud Next in San Francisco, startup Hiber announced the integration of Google’s generative AI technology in its Hiber3D development platform, which aims to simplify the process of creating in-game content.

Hiber said the goal of adding AI is to help creators build more expansive online worlds, which are often referred to as metaverse platforms. Hiber3D is the tech that powers the company's own HiberWorld virtual platform, which it claims already contains over 5 million user-created worlds using its no-code-needed platform.

By typing in prompts via its new generative AI tool, Hiber CEO Michael Yngfors says creators can employ natural language to tell the Hiber3D generator what kind of worlds they want to create, and can even generate worlds based on their mood or to match the vibe of a film. [...]"

Once this is refined, this could be very neat! It's only environments right now, not characters and whatnot, too, but maybe eventually we'd be able to dynamically generate some anthro-populated worlds to explore.


Performance on Pawb.Social specifically has been degrading significantly; it often times takes a very long time (10+ seconds) to load a post, for example, with a noticeable number of time-outs occurring. Opening the same post via its home instance in these cases typically works much faster, leading me to believe the problem is here, not with the host instance.

This is the case even with local communities.

Hoping to hear from other folks - are you also experiencing this? Is it a temporary issue, or indicative of a growing server-side problem?


There was discussion on the lemmy fork thread about replacing the default 'Donate' link with a server-specific one, but given that's not available yet, is there somewhere we can contribute funds towards hosting costs?

Really, maybe such a link should be on the sidebar, at least - if there is one somewhere already, I wasn't able to find it, and as such I suspect other folks who would potentially be looking for one wouldn't find it, either.


I really don't have a lot of background on cluster munitions; it only really came into my perception in response to the controversy over the US providing them to Ukraine. As I understand it, the controversy is because they often don't all explode reliably, and unexploded munitions can then explode months or years later when civilians are occupying the territory, making it similar to the problems caused by landmines.

In an age where things like location trackers, radio transmitters, and other such local and long-range technology to locate objects are common place, what's stopping the manufacturers of these munitions from simply putting some kind of device to facilitate tracking inside each individual explosive, to assist with detection and safe retrieval after a conflict? I get that nothing is a 100% effective solution, but it seems like it'd solve most of it.

Can someone with actual knowledge explain why this is still a problem we're having?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

He's an alchemist, okay? It's definitely a Strength potion, not grape Kool-Aid, okay? It's only $5, just try it!


That poor elf has seen better days; it takes a special kind of talent to be overpowered by kobolds.


Books, games, movies, youtube channels, podcasts, whatever you've got - I'd love some recommendations for anything tangentially furry-related. There's plenty of cartoons (and I'd be happy to hear about those, too), but in particular, any more adult-focused media would be very welcomed!


Is it a testament to the power of the organization, or the lawlessness of the city that one can wear their regalia in broad daylight unaccosted? It's anyone's guess.

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