This is a parody, right?
Shitposting about geopolitics, diplomacy, and current events for shits and giggles
Tow the line? Tow it where Eric?
Typo makes it better.
Tow it to the restaurant where they say bone apple tea
Every so often Eric Trump ends up on the timeline and reminds the world he even exists.
And that he's possibly an even bigger tool than his father.
The inside of little Eric's mind must almost literally be The Onion.
Nah, most of it is focused on getting daddy to love him too. Unfortunately for him, daddy only wants to fuck his sister.
Onions have layers, donkeys have layers, h~i~^g^~h~ ^i^'~m~ ~e~r~i~^k^~?~
Reminds me of those: "My dad is a dev/admin, he can ban you" 🤣
Biden was like a bizarro Willy Wonka, fell on his face and then spent the whole tour boring and disappointing us for ages, somehow even the psychosis bug tunnel was boring. Then he gives the chocolate factory to an Oompa Loompa with syphilis.
Yeah I know
He didn't hand the chocolate factory to anyone the American voters elected the idiot on their own.
You consider it even remotely appropriate to let an insurrectionist stand for election? A literal traitor to the republic? Allowing him on the ballot was, I think, a crucial failure of democratic norms. One of many.
Just as legality is not the same as morality, winning an election in a critically dysfunctional democracy is not a mandate to rule as a king.
They're beginning to learn, too late, that the only thing keeping democracy in America is its norms. Voters were offered an insane question that should never have been asked.
Biden isn’t responsible for any of that though. The courts should have stopped Trump nothis oppenent in the election
edit: To all thinking Biden could or should have directly intervened to prevent Trump from running how do you think he can legally do so without being seen as a dictator?
The CIA has toppled democracies around the world. So its bullshit to say the president has his hands tied...
If a leader utilizes the intelligence agencies to put down opposition politicians then they are an authoritarian dictator. Biden isn’t that stupid.
Be careful when you fight monsters. Biden was fucked either way if I'm being honest, I'd even bet a handful of cash that a prominent Dem, perhaps even Biden, gets merked within two years.
Youre right. Should just let a traitor waltz in and be the authoritarian dictator. We'll just put Biden in the history book beside Hindenburg.
Biden could have used an "official act" to prove a point. He's old and could have made the sacrifice for the greater good since by the time the courts were done he is on his death bed. Would have been interesting to watch.
by not giving a shit about optics in the same way he bailed his son out. who cares if people see him as a dictator?
The wonderful US democracy is based on a DNC calculating that Jan 6th makes Trump the best opponent to keep around, before deciding after Oct 7th, that they should help elect him for Israel.
The specific policies were not the issue. The fact that he did not stop a violent insurrectionist from running for office is my grievance here. The metaphor being that an Oompa Loompa should not have gotten a golden ticket. Much less, one with syphilis and a malignant personality disorder.
this is my main gripe with the previous administration too. they broke standard procedures for all of their buddies (pardons for political and family members at the last moment, wtf??) while a felon gets handed keys to the castle.
its so embarrasing that our elected officials didn't force Biden to be a one term president, its so embarrasing we threw kamala harris into the race last minute, and its also embarrasing to realize this party will not change because i truly believe ALL current leaders use their positions to make money where they should not be making money.
and yet, I stick with their ideology because they aren't as obvious with their moral bankruptcy. whose the real crazy one in this relationship? ok, I'm done ranting my friend, lol
No you're right, it's an abusive relationship. It isn't much different from a good cop/bad cop dynamic. The ratcheting effect taken to its furthest extremity.
They’re giddy with power.
Proof that the point of tariffs is to actually hurt the not rich. They know it's likely going to only affect a certain group. They're just saying it's something else while they give their rich friends tax breaks and sweetheart government money. It also serves the purpose of making the less rich more desperate for work.
Ppl need to stop purchasing non-necessities and to do the due diligence of ensuring whom you buy from is actually someone worth buying from.
America's Golden Age is actually a Golden Shower from Moscow.