Alas probably not true - the anime girl profile pic seems unlikely for a "gamble all my money on trump" type. Plus the specific mention of a Wendy's carpark is just too intentionally funny.
Buttcoin is the future of online butts. Buttcoin is a peer-to-peer butt. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new butts or tracks butts.
A community for hurling ordure at cryptocurrency/blockchain dweebs of all sorts. We are only here for debate as long as it amuses us. Meme stocks are also on topic.
Wendys has the greasy fingerprints of wallstreetbets all over it.
Have you been on Twitter? That's not unlikely at all these days.
Only if you're an idiot who believes everything they read.
You don't have much exposure to cryptobros huh?
Trust me. That's a good thing. They are lunatics to a man.
Well he is already at a Wendy's, he can make the money back with blowies behind the dumpster with the rest of the coinbros.
40k is a lot of blowies and I'm guessing these guys can't charge top dollar.
McDonald's didn't get to where it is by having high prices. They got there with convenience, low cost, and value.
That’s why you sell NFBs instead—non-fungible blowies. Each NFB represents the rights to a blowie on a blockchain. They can be resold over and over. You’d be rich in no time.
Great, now I have to create a cryptocurrency. I hope you're happy.
I think you are selling him short. He clearly has a lot of experience in licking boots, there are some similarities.
Wasn't there a follow-up post, where he said that he did just that? I think he made 300.50 dollars in one evening. Someone asked who the hell gave him 50 cents and he said "all of them".
Wow I wish I'd bought a short position, was considering it but didn't feel like taking the effort.
My problem was I found out about it to late to short it.
So what you’re saying is: absolutely.
Is it controversial to say that you shouldnt hope for someone to be tricked and then scammed?
Which is fine, but it's his kid that's ultimately suffering.
the post is fake regardless, its just another rightwing shitpost account. doubt there's a kid at all
True enough.
The orangutang's kid would just be bummed that he didn't get a gun as well.
The issue at stake here is that the people in a position to trick and scam everybody were clearly labeled as tricksters and scammers BEFORE those people put them into the position of power to do their tricking and scamming on a large scale. Then after that they dove headfirst into the tricks and the scams going "I'm owning the libs!" while their money was completely stolen from them in a tricky scam.
So, I would say that yes, to many people, suggesting that these fools didn't deserve this completely is a controversial take.
No, post like this put a pit in my stomach even if they are fake
And they'll keep on abusing that empathy until you finally learn they can't be trusted with it
I know, I know, we've already done this so many times, but this must be done. We're all tired, but we can't let them forget. Everyone all at once now: We told you.
I feel bad for the kid, but I think we’ve hit a point now were if they could hear all the blaring, screaming, sirens and the 10,000 flashing warning lights then I just have so little sympathy that I actually think that’s funny as hell and hope that maybe, finally, this person has learned something. Good, they can poor and they can know exactly who did it to them, and losing all that money can maybe give them a sense of how hard being poor really is in that dogshit country.
that "wendy's parking lot" is a r/wallstreetbets meme and dead giveaway that it's a bit
It’s a copypasta they just changed the coin
I hope its not true for the child's sake. They might need that college education desperately.