
joined 1 year ago
[–] I_Has_A_Hat 3 points 3 hours ago

Is the Valve Index really that unpopular? Or is it not included in the list for some reason?

[–] I_Has_A_Hat -2 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

[I] Don't care

Clearly. And that's as far as anyone needs to read to know your opinion is worth less than wet single-ply toilet paper.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 4 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

My god! You mean they attached a bomb collar around her neck and said if she didn't comply they would detonate it?

Wait, they didn't do anything of the sort? Well, sounds like they didn't force her to do anything and the only thing stopping her from speaking out was her own spineless cowardice.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 10 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Lol no. It still lacks many of the formatting tools that MS Office has, and documents originally created in MS will frequently get messed up. I use LibreOffice because it's FOSS, but I'm not going to pretend it's functionally better than MS Office, because it's not by almost every metric.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

I don't know, to me these kind of posts reek of the head-in-the-sand copium that led to Kamala losing and people here and on reddit being surprised. It's just blind to the reality of the situation and based entirely off of what people hope is happening behind the scenes.

I don't believe Musk is miserable. I don't think he's stressed. I don't think he actually gives a single shit about his losses because, even with them, the man still has more money than God. All his actions online point more to him being an internet troll than someone who's actually effected by any of it.

People love posting "Oooooh Musk's feelings got hurt! He must be really miserable!" Because that's literally all they have. There is literally nothing the common man can do to stop, slow down, or harm Musk in any way. So instead, people just post and hope that someway, somehow, Musk is secretly miserable all the time. Because it would just be so unfair if, on top of getting everything he ever wanted, he was happy too. And some people just can't fathom that they live in a world where that could be true; a world where the villains win, and no hero, or cosmic karma ever shows up to punish them for it.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

For those who liked Roger Rabbit, I'd highly recommend the new Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers movie. It was kind of slept on when it was released and deserves so much more attention. I think people just assumed it was a remake of the show, but the movie is entirely its own thing. The only thing you even have to know about the show is that it existed. The movie itself is pretty much just like Roger Rabbit, with multiple IP's mixing together in the real world and some surprisingly dark themes.

I'd still probably say Roger Rabbit is overall a better movie, but Chip 'n Dale is very close.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 12 points 1 day ago

Nope, he had no plans to infect them. The babies had parents who were HIV-positive.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 4 points 1 day ago

It's crazy that people are trying to make this comparison. They are worlds apart. Notice how the post and most people talking about it aren't discussing what he actually did? Because the situation gets a lot murkier when you learn the details.

"Experimenting on babies" - What?! That's unethical and immoral! Must be junk science with no benefit!

"Made babies at risk of HIV immune to it" - Well... That's good for the babies, but maybe he should have gone through proper channels.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (9 children)

He used CRISPR to make babies immune to HIV.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I think you're the one looking at things on way too short of time scale.

You're looking at the current protests as if they are the start of the movement.

But protests have been going on against the rise of fascism and Trump since his first term. Almost a full decade of protests. Less and less people turning out each time as they realize it changes nothing. This isn't the beginning, it's the end.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yes, any major city. You think people only fill the streets in Philly? Look at literally any city after they have a major football or baseball win. Streets are packed. There's not always violence, but good luck trying to drive through downtown that evening. And guess what? The people filling the streets AREN'T just from the stadium. People pour out of their homes, bars, EVERYWHERE. Using your Philly example, look at this crowd. You think those are all just people from the stadium? That was a Sunday night. It was cold out, those people had jobs they had to be at the next day, but it didn't matter because they felt it was "important" to be out there. And that's just the spur of the moment post-game celebration. The scheduled parade that Friday had over a million people show up. Over a million.

Now look at any picture or video from the recent "protests" and tell me it's not pathetic in comparison. And what happened in Philly is not the exception. Similar turnouts happen in any major US city following a Super Bowl win, most cities following a World Series win, and some cities following a Stanley Cup win. Its so expected, cops will pre-section off areas of the cities because they know people are going to be out on the streets not giving a fuck.

So yes, when the protests can't even muster up even 1% of the crowds that naturally occur after a fucking ball game, it can be safely called a depressingly low turnout.

[–] I_Has_A_Hat 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Buddy, I am American. This shit is pathetic. I'm tired of pretending that less than 1000 people standing on a street corner is a good protest. The turnout has been embarrassingly bad, and the internet's take that it's because working Americans don't want to risk their jobs completely discounts the feeling of utter defeat many are feeling. There is just no motivation to protest anymore, it's been shown to be as ineffective as calling or writing to your senator. You know they aren't going to see it, and if you receive anything back, it will be a canned, generic response that doesn't even acknowledge your message.

I'm not upset with people for not turning out. I fully understand why they don't. I just wish we'd stop pretending these protests are the start of some new movement, when all signs point to them being the last gasps of a dying resistance. Think that's too doom and gloom? Well, unfortunately, that is our reality.


Is it just a matter of not being worth it? I see cooling towers releasing what appears to be a ton of steam, pretty high up. If that steam were captured at the top and allowed to condense, wouldn't that result in a ton of water with a lot of gravitational potential energy? That water could then be released and used to power water turbines. Maybe I'm overestimating the amount of water being released as steam, or underestimating how much is needed to spin a water turbine to get a meaningful result, but it seems like wasted energy to me.


I'm aiming to get the 30k steps in a day achievement and was wondering if the app considered a day as in a calendar day, or if it's 30k steps in 24 hours?

30k steps comes out to about 15 miles. If the app goes off 24 hours, I was considering taking a backpacking trip some weekend and hiking half in an afternoon, stopping for the night, and doing the rest in the morning. But if it goes by calendar, I'd have to adjust my plans.


I'm moving across the country in a few weeks and am trying to plan my route as I'll be driving a moving van with a car towed behind it. The entire drive will be 16-17 hours.

Google maps seems limited for searching everything I'd want to take into account for the route (pull through gas stations, height requirements, avoiding mountain highways, etc.) and was wondering if anyone knew of a better way to plan out the trip?

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