That might explain the name dispute between him, Grimes, and Zillis.
Trump is weak on China
Or out dumb.
I can't remember Sister Grendel's real name anymore. She was a sub for the length of covering Beowulf. Kind of a mean nickname but so was she.
How is babby formed?
Pee is stored in the balls
Babies are real dude
It's a culture that heavily pushes self identity. Then you combine that with poor schooling and a sheltered upbringing.
If you're of limited education, means, and exposure, when it comes time to start outfitting that identity it becomes very easy to place yourself in a box. And that box becomes the lens you see the world through.
Uhm, I think you mean Pete and Pete star.
Probably my first celebrity crush growing up.
No, that's an engine knock
What impact would a nationwide guerilla campaign of vandalism against say, Berkshire do?