Remember when Angela Chao was caught locked in a submerged TESLA for hours and died ?
I wonder if Elon can account for that ? What was he doing during that "accident" ?
She was the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell.
A community for Lemmy users interested in privacy
Remember when Angela Chao was caught locked in a submerged TESLA for hours and died ?
I wonder if Elon can account for that ? What was he doing during that "accident" ?
She was the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell.
Imagine your car bursts into flames, and as you are going for the door, it locks up and you hear: "I'm sorry, but I can't do that, Elon".
answer: The target demographic of the car does not believe in privacy
They want everyone to know who they are and what they are doing at all times, and they have no sense of shame when they should.
Until someone is suspected of a crime, and subjected to a warrantless search when the feds ask Elmo for that data and receive it. Sure there's not a lot of overlap between Tesla owners and petty crime but I'm willing to bet there IS a lot of overlap between Tesla owners and guys growing pot in their garage.
They had probable cause for a search; didn't need a warrant.
You think tesla is awful for this (they are) because elon is the current boogeyman but most if not all modern vehicles have eulas that reserve the right to save an obnoxious amount of data including images, voice recordings, routes driven, etc. you almost always have no way to opt out despite spending tens of thousands of dollars and almost all of them have absolutely horrible data security practices
It’s a serious concern already when it’s concerning vehicle telemetry and autonomous features like adaptive cruise control and automatic braking but they pretty much rely on imagery outside of the vehicle. That can and will of course pick up images of you. However an increasing number of cars are including facial recognition inside the cockpit to identify the driver, sold as a “comfort feature” for households where multiple users drive the same vehicle. The facial recognition IDs who is driving and will automatically set the seat, climate, etc. sounds fancy right? But they overwhelmingly reserve the right to store that data, absolutely will share it with law enforcement, and will sell it likely for advertising as well
The scummier manufacturers have eulas that say something along the lines of you give tacit consent to this by simply riding in the vehicle as a passenger. So your friend buys a nice new subaru, you have a conversation with them, and that data could be harvested, sold, shared with law enforcement, etc, solely because you were stupid enough to accept a ride. You were never presented with an eula, you were never given a chance to give informed consent, but it doesn’t fucking matter to Subaru, apparently (who also does the facial recognition thing)
I recall Nissan reserving the right to sell info on your sexual orientation in one of their EULAs. Ridiculous and dystopian
EULA for what service?
Or do cars come with EULAs nowadays?
That will be very illegal in some European countries, no EULA is going to save you from the law
Hangin' out the passenger side
Of his best friend's ride
Tryin' to holla at me
Get yourself a Chinese car to escape 14Eyes and embrace the CCPyware
It's better than having your data in American servers where they can do the most damage.
Thank goodness data collection companies would never sell or share data with each other
And, sadly, according to Mozilla's report Subaru isn't even the worst! And, not in their defense, but the facial recognition stuff was a driver facing camera so it wouldn't be facing the passenger... Always watching your friend though!
In the system your country created rich control everything. Illusion of freedom is strong.
I think it was Carlin who had a bit about the choices at the grocery store are a distraction from the lack of choices at the voting booth. I can get 15 types of corn flakes but only 2 sides of the same party.
And there are 1-2 actual parent companies selling those corn flakes
Americans consistently sell themselves to the lowest bidder.
I'm surprised there are still buyers as we are worthless.
This reminds me of the movie upgrade :/
It's no secret that Tesla has full access to telemetry and videos taken by Tesla cars. If you buy one, your only hope is that your footage is not interesting enough to be watched by Tesla employees. I remember reading a story about Tesla employees having internal memes made of footage that showed people captured by Tesla's surveillance in various (mostly unflattering) situations.
All the cameras/video/telemetry etc is like HR.
It's not to help you.
I'm feeling sick!
I have a vinyl cutter, can anybody tell my the diameters and quantities of the cameras on these cars? I’d like to start making and selling stickers to cover over them all.
Covering it wouldn't work unless you're trying to cover other people's camera without their knowledge at what point you could just use spray paint. The cameras are integrated into everything from blind spot alerts and cruise control and will constantly notify the driver if it's covered (even if it's dirty or in pitch black and the camera thinks it's covered).
I mean it sounds like it could be video from the charging facility but what the actual fuck they can unlock your car.
And yeah y'know what I bet they can get the video. Dear God why would anyone buy a Tesla
but what the actual fuck they can unlock your car.
Unfortunately, any car that has an 'app' where you can unlock your car... They can unlock your car. Whether or not you use or have the app. This includes onstar and all the rest
The capability I'm not against. It is nice that when the kid/dog locks the door or you lose your keys or whatever you don't have to wait for someone to show up. Car keys/locks aren't all that secure either. It should all be local PKI over bluetooth or something, but that's another discussion, and even then an override if your phone/key gets lost/corrupted would be necessary.
The legal framework for if/when it's fine to get a locksmith or break a window to get into a vehicle is pretty well established. Like a lot of other things the law for remote unlocking is lagging far behind tech.
I mean it sounds like it could be video from the charging facility
I mean that's what I assumed. I can't imagine a reason one would want a camera watching you charge - like that's an expense for little if any benefit. And if it was charged at a charging station owned by Tesla, I would be shocked if there wasn't camera footage or if Tesla didn't have access to it.
but what the actual fuck they can unlock your car.
I would imagine any car with keyless entry can be unlocked by the manufacturer if they have your VIN. They build the system and pair the keyfobs and locks, they're bound to have that ability in case something happens to your keys.
i dont care who opens it. this is not the first story I hear about it locking upon catching fire
That's how it keeps the fire inside
Tesla trying to apply the trolley problem to the Three Laws of Robotics.
Everybody laughed when China put cameras everywhere and gave their citizens a social score to maintain. It's coming here. The bill of rights have no power when the ruling party chooses to ignore them.
It's been here, trumps original supporter peter tiel created palantir back when still working at paypal
My favorite part of the Palantir story is that everyone who gets to use it, without exception, immediately uses it to monitor their coworkers, family and ex partners.
On the third one, looking through the Cybertruck's manual, there's a bit about data sharing in regards to the car's cameras to where the car can send its camera data to Tesla if it detects an accident or some kind of incident.
These cars have a few different scenarios in which they'll just sit there and record their surroundings. As far as I can tell, it normally saves that locally, but I guess it has the ability to send it back to Tesla. All of their cars creep me out
Having security cameras at the un-manned charging stations doesn't seem unreasonable to me? Surely this is pretty standard to prevent/catch vandalism.
The other stuff, might be a valid explanation but since it's tesla probably not.
The question is if it was security camera footage from the facility or from the cybertruck itself. One is fine, one clearly is not.
Here's your answer. It's not a new thing.
The question is why does Elon have access to it?
Perhaps "Elon helped" is Musk-washing "Elon put us in contact with the folks who could get us access to those videos". But that manbaby likes getting his clammy grabbers in the mix, so I wouldn't be surprised if he personally demanded access and handed it over.