
joined 1 year ago
[–] Wogi -1 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

I keep hearing that but I rarely actually see it. Maybe one in fifty of the accounts accused of being a Russian troll actually looks like one if you check comment history. That's said so much here it feels like a meme.

I think it's fair to say a lot of people are disillusioned with Biden, and disillusioned with the process. Screaming about Trump is going to do absolutely nothing to bring them back.

They know. Everyone knows. What they don't know, because no one fucking talks about it, is where Biden has been successful. Instead of an opportunity to shine a desperately needed light on his successes, you turn it in to another shit flinging contest.

[–] Wogi 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Bacon and ice cream go great together and I refuse to pretend they don't.

I still miss midnight snack ice cream. Potato chips covered in chocolate. Delicious

[–] Wogi 1 points 18 hours ago (4 children)

In my experience, any criticism of Biden is immediately met with "but Trump is worse!!!" Rather than any current argument as to why Biden isn't actually that bad.

If the responses WERE generally any Biden I'd still dislike Biden but I wouldn't bitch so much about him. Every once in a while you find someone making an effort to defend Biden in good faith and, great. We can disagree on the dude, that's fine. But if I can't criticize Biden without immediately being redirected to talking about Trump, I'm going to keep talking about Biden. If the best case scenario is we're stick with this guy for another 4 years I would appreciate some pressure to do better.

[–] Wogi 8 points 18 hours ago

What happens at the Y stays at the Y

[–] Wogi 2 points 18 hours ago

I'll give you 20 to 1

[–] Wogi 13 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

I love how this image is a pun

[–] Wogi 7 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

You mean every opinion I don't like isn't automatically a tankie Russian bot???

[–] Wogi 3 points 1 day ago

Probably more so cheaper to mold the plastic case with weak threads than any other function.

[–] Wogi 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Machinist guy here!

Threads fail. Threads are generally the most likely thing to fail in any given mechanism. Generally, when the threads are expected to do more work than just sit there and not move, as in fastening a hinge for example, we try to make sure the threads are all the same kind of material.

I would never expect plastic threads to hold up to repeated use with an iron bolt inside. Something is going to give up, and it's going to be the soft plastic threads, every single time.

Think about cheap as fuck IKEA furniture, any time they have a bolt to screw in, you install an insert first. We do the same thing in plastic, aluminum, shit even steel sometimes if we want the bolt to fail first.

[–] Wogi 40 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Closer to 10. Yes.

This is a pretty common thing in the American Midwest. You see it a lot around houses on the tops of hills, especially in new construction. It looks kinda silly for a few years but it's the best you can do sometimes.

[–] Wogi 5 points 2 days ago

This idiotic bullshit happens all over, it's just more concentrated in the South.

This happened to a friend of mine from the UK in fixing Minnesota. He had NO context for what was happening and almost shit his pants.

[–] Wogi 1 points 2 days ago

I was referring to Joseph Campbell.

3/4 EM goes brrrrr (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago by Wogi to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by Wogi to c/askscience

This is an abrasive disk, rotating at 1500 rpm. When I shine my flashlight at it, it carries the glow with it, approximately halfway around the disk. What am I seeing happen here?


But they sent my area to a different building.

I'm at a place I don't know, surrounded by people I've never met, and as it happens food I can't eat.

I'm not allowed to leave.

I'm supposed to feel appreciated.


It's the holidays, at my job I will be attending at a minimum 3 holiday meals on different days. They send around these little slips and we all vote on what to have.

There's never anything available that I'll actually be able to eat.

My diet, while not strictly keto, is at my doctor's recommendation. I've successfully eliminated any danger I faced due to rising blood sugar, and the jury is still out on carbs re-entering my diet in any significant capacity.

I am fully aware of how difficult it can be to prepare food without carbs. Especially to someone who's never done it.

At every opportunity I make it clear that I am perfectly happy, and I'm fact would prefer to simply feed myself. I get that they're trying to show appreciation, but I would appreciate knowing exactly what's in my food, rather than having to trust that everyone in the chain of people involved getting me a low carb meal knew exactly what that meant.

I like my meals, I like how healthy I have become. I honestly have never really enjoyed the food they get anyway. Just let me do my thing goddamnit

submitted 8 months ago by Wogi to c/[email protected]

Anakin has a clear motive, and a logical progression from naive to evil.

Danny just decides to lose her shit one day.

Books like the expanse? (self.theexpanse)
submitted 9 months ago by Wogi to c/theexpanse

I'm 75% of the way through the last book in the series. I've read all of the novellas. What would you recommend next?

Three only other series I can think of that's similar is the Three Body series from Cixin Liu.

God damn you cipher (lemmy.world)
submitted 9 months ago by Wogi to c/[email protected]

It looks like operators pointing sensors at the shoe instead of the part, pressing go and walking away.

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