
joined 2 years ago
[–] Wogi 7 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Those aren't croissants. Those are crescents.

I was going to make a joke, spelling it the same way and pronouncing it differently, but I'm pretty sure the Pillsbury tubes are even called crescents on the package

[–] Wogi 2 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

It's like having a boisterous sibling who makes bold claims and pumps you up, but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is, they slink away with their tail between their legs. Or even, at times, rally with the other side.

Sure, maybe we're idealistic. At least we follow through.

[–] Wogi 2 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

The knobs are "brushed stainless" plated plastic with plastic parts inside. It's possible Bosch is using higher quality materials, but this is the standard Bosch range knob that goes on all of their ranges, so I suspect it's made down to a price. They're injection molded parts that cost about a quarter a piece including parts and labor.

The important parts of the knob are all inside the range. But still can cost as little as about 10 bucks for an OEM part and 15 minutes of repair work if one of those should break.

[–] Wogi 5 points 11 hours ago

I was gonna bitch about it too but the cheaper Bosch ranges use the same knobs. It's an off the shelf part that Bosch is charging a ridiculous premium for.

[–] Wogi 2 points 11 hours ago (3 children)
[–] Wogi 11 points 11 hours ago

Flipping burgers for us. There were only the two options. That or college. And a few minutes spent on talking to creditors if you can't pay the loan but DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT YET just go to school the bills will take care of themselves.

20 years and 50k in as of yet unpaid student debt later for a piece of paper I never and will never use, I ended up going to trade school and getting it paid for by my employer entirely.

Now I have a better job, union representation, and almost no petty office bullshit. Had I entered the field after high school I'd be one of the most knowledgeable people in my field. But, it was college or burgers, they spent a lot of money to send that message as often as possible.

[–] Wogi 2 points 12 hours ago (5 children)

Hitting a little close to home?

[–] Wogi 36 points 14 hours ago (34 children)

Money, and liberals.

California is liberal. Not left. Every once in a while some leftist proposition comes up that threatens money, and money always wins.

When they say liberals are wolves in sheep's clothing, this is kinda what they're talking about. They care, they really care about their fellow man, as far as their comfortable standard of living allows.

[–] Wogi 1 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Help a guy who's never played a Batman game out.

[–] Wogi 8 points 1 day ago

On an unfailing law of physics....



The law of inertia.

[–] Wogi 6 points 1 day ago

They can hang by their toes

[–] Wogi 12 points 1 day ago (6 children)

There are nearly 3000 billionaires worldwide. Collectively they own 14 trillion in wealth.

This is nearly double all of the wealth held by every other person in the world, combined.


I went to high school with this guy. We were never really close friends though he was perpetually in the one group of people I kept in touch with after high school.

A few years ago we had a falling out and I never really looked back. I never really liked the guy, sometimes I fuckin hated him. Though the group kinda fell apart after that and I lost contact with someone I actually did care about. Otherwise, getting him out of my life really wasn't a negative.

Regardless, he responded to a Facebook post and curiosity got the better of me.

In the past, he'd expressed regret in voting for Trump, he wasn't a Democrat and voted third party in 2020. I assumed he'd check out of this election and I'd see what he was up to.

Strangers, this man has completely lost his fucking mind. His Facebook is flooded with reposted tiktoks admonishing the current administration and screeching about the moral imperative of getting trump back in to office. One after another after another, 5 to 7 of these things a day. Continuing debates he's had with somebody by tagging them, and notably getting no response. More than once he's brought up a trump policy, blamed it on Kamala Harris, and howled about how evil the Democrats are.

In the past any attempt at rational discussion would devolve to fanatic ravings, and now it seems that all he's doing. Constantly screaming in to the void about some perceived Boogeyman.

I haven't lost anything, as I said getting out of each other's lives was a good thing for me. This guy used a hard R during the protests and would go to safe spaces online to torment the people there for fun. He's literally the type of person Facebook has screening questions for.

But Jesus, he's like a fucking caricature. There's no engaging with that type of person, no bringing them back. He's just lost.

IYKYK (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by Wogi to c/[email protected]
3/4 EM goes brrrrr (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Wogi to c/[email protected]

This is an abrasive disk, rotating at 1500 rpm. When I shine my flashlight at it, it carries the glow with it, approximately halfway around the disk. What am I seeing happen here?


But they sent my area to a different building.

I'm at a place I don't know, surrounded by people I've never met, and as it happens food I can't eat.

I'm not allowed to leave.

I'm supposed to feel appreciated.


It's the holidays, at my job I will be attending at a minimum 3 holiday meals on different days. They send around these little slips and we all vote on what to have.

There's never anything available that I'll actually be able to eat.

My diet, while not strictly keto, is at my doctor's recommendation. I've successfully eliminated any danger I faced due to rising blood sugar, and the jury is still out on carbs re-entering my diet in any significant capacity.

I am fully aware of how difficult it can be to prepare food without carbs. Especially to someone who's never done it.

At every opportunity I make it clear that I am perfectly happy, and I'm fact would prefer to simply feed myself. I get that they're trying to show appreciation, but I would appreciate knowing exactly what's in my food, rather than having to trust that everyone in the chain of people involved getting me a low carb meal knew exactly what that meant.

I like my meals, I like how healthy I have become. I honestly have never really enjoyed the food they get anyway. Just let me do my thing goddamnit

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