4 hours of cutscenes...
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Final Fantasy Fans:
There are many cutscenes in mgs ?
Tons of them. IIRC, the ending sequence of MGS4 is about 70 minutes in total.
Appears to be about 9 hours of total cutscene time in Metal Gear Solid 4. The 70 minute cutscene is the longest on video game history.
Cutscene length shouldn't be an advertising point, just like what kojima churns it it just shows me they wanted to desperately to be a move instead.
How about advertising....idk. I'll go out on a limb and say gameplay?
I don't see noone talk about that
i have very high hopes for this, because wolfenstein the new order & the new colossus were truly excellent!
Would like to go back to killing Nazis again
Yep, especially the narration imho ! (although I fondly remember the shooting as well)
Indiana Jones and the Fantastic Rhombus
Indiana Jones and the Not So Fancy Tea Cozy
Indiana Jones and the Devious Bedpan.
That's not a game it's a movie
Two at least, or 3 if they're on the short side
I'm still hopeful that this game is good.
But cutscene length? That means pretty much nothing. A shitty game packed with cutscenes is still a shitty game. It's not a movie.
I'm cautiously excited to check this out on Gamepass.
Yay.... cutscenes