Nathan Poe would be proud.
Absolutely! For way too long these Canadians have been stealing good paying mounted police from hard-working Americans!
I know right, not to mention a black woman President, egg prices would be through the roof!
Seems like Canada might be looking to hit President Musk hard.
Because the fat orange idiot is hell bent on making gaming great again for you by raising all the prices.
Better hope you get a job soon then.
Well America, you voted for this or sat on your asses complaining about both sides or some valid crap so good fucking luck surviving now.
Well of you ask Nvidia it's now just the driver making frames for you.
I mean cops being defunded by thousands of US citizens wrongfully detained and deported doesn't sound so bad
Criminally they're shielded by qualified immunity for a lot of things, civilly there's more leeway there and taxpayers to be fleeced.
Nothing but a naked cash grab from a crappy company
Well if China didn't have influence before they sure as shit will now thanks to these completely inept assholes.