Can anything just put this piece of shit away for good or no?
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The supreme court's immunity decision on presidential behavior doesn't apply, obviously. But a private citizen is entitled to conversations with foreign leaders. Classic loophole, Mr. Reagan. Next thing the media will say is a developer from Long Island named Turnip tjhfihfhihfihcihxihdihfihfohfohfojfojfhfihcihv
Theyre entitled to conversations about cats and baseball but not conversations that involve ongoing negotiations and foreign policy decisions on behalf of a government they're not a part of.
The wildest future is where this is what ends up getting Trump behind bars but somehow that ceasefire did get trough and ends the war there.
Hey i can dream.
If you read any of his comments, his intent is for Israel to "win."
I wont read them but i do believe it.
If there is no hard evidence of fuckery he will skate by as usual.
~~If there is no hard evidence of fuckery~~ he will skate by as usual.
Zzzzz… more and more it feels like our laws are a sham if you’re a part of the ruling class.
🚨 🚨 🚨 Breaking News 🚨 🚨 🚨
Not a damn thing is going to happen.
When Trump Jr. visited Hungary in June and talked to their Prime Minister about “how we can make Hungarian-US relations great again, as they were under the presidency of @realDonaldTrump”, the Logan Act was being mentioned.
I had never heard of it before, but apparently, no one’s been charged with violating the act even though there’s been instances where they could have. So unfortunately, I wouldn’t get my hopes up about this with Trump now actually leading to any jail time. Maybe a fine?
Hatch Act. Emoluments clause. You would be better off listing things that haven't been violated.