
joined 2 years ago
[–] qooqie 16 points 2 months ago (1 children)

One thing I was shocked about when I visited NYC was how big the rock pigeons are. Bitches be huge

[–] qooqie 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I also don’t think it’s terribly crazy for a company like valve to protect its IP when it’s being directly copied. Valve has also traditionally been very good about reaching out to these sorts of devs and making deals with them

[–] qooqie 6 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Take your meds guys

[–] qooqie 10 points 3 months ago

I see you just made shit up you must be very well published

[–] qooqie 7 points 4 months ago

Kestrels have a wide variation of colors with such a wide range of habitat. This one specifically looks like an adult northern female kestrel to me

[–] qooqie 13 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Oh god don’t give mega-corps an idea to start buying and super up charging grave plots

[–] qooqie 11 points 4 months ago

They became good friends at the diddy parties that’s all

[–] qooqie 6 points 4 months ago

Only point of dispute is if she wins by a large margin they’ll just say the only way someone can win by such a large gap is through fraud.

[–] qooqie 15 points 4 months ago

Yeah I agree, I meant more the actual lawmakers aren’t terribly incentivized

[–] qooqie 16 points 4 months ago (12 children)

I honestly don’t think this would ever get support. Puerto Rico is very republican last I checked so dems aren’t exactly incentivized to vote it in. And republicans don’t want it because that would be fair treatment to a minority so

[–] qooqie 4 points 4 months ago

They take the warhammer40k imperial guard approach of sheer numbers with guns to win out. Unfortunately, it does work

[–] qooqie 3 points 4 months ago (7 children)

Okay, what about calling it current society? I don’t see current society being able to change this for a long long time


I have played OSRS for the past 10 months and it is quite straightforward what to do. I have been splitting my time recently into RS3 now and have no idea what goals I should have for early game. Anyone have a quick list of goals to shoot for from early to mid to even late game if possible?


I feel like with rampant bot/AI posting the traffic into social media sites are being spoofed. And companies know this and allow it to happen because it will inflate the ad value and then the stock value. Is this true to an extent or is this taken into account?


Been on a theology kick for the past year and looking to read more into the philosophy because that’s the interesting part for me. I would say I’m not a beginner but not an intermediate. Would love some recommendations


I’m trying to get into streak running, but when I get hit with a day that has terrible weather (ice rain, smoke from Canada being on fire, etc) I am unsure what to do. And I don’t own a treadmill or have a gym membership. Do you just have very specific gear for those days or what? Any motivation tips and gear tips?


I have a few takes.

Best support will be Shadow demon, skill build will be 4-4-0. His Q does a shit ton of damage especially when paired with W even in lane and he scales incredibly well. Give it a try.

Chen and SS are still incredibly strong of course and are very easy to play.

Best offlane I’m seeing rn is sandking. Item changes really really helped him.

Best mid will be hard to say, but I’m thinking we’re in for a Lina, OD, and clinkz patch.

Really no idea about pos 1 because I don’t play it

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