
joined 2 years ago
[–] nnullzz 26 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Isn’t this kinda how the SS came to be?

[–] nnullzz 3 points 1 week ago

I’m currently running a Deco M9 mesh network and have been thinking about switching to OpenWRT. I just get kinda overwhelmed thinking about the whole setup and config process. Anyone have any recommendations on resources to learn how to do it?

[–] nnullzz 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thanks for this!! I became spoiled with Arc’s UI, but it’s a Chrome based browser. This looks like it’s the same experience without the bs.

[–] nnullzz 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Tbh I didn’t even mind what the bot was trying to do. I just remember opening what felt like every post and seeing dozens of lines taken up by the bot. I ended up just blocking it and cross-referencing with ground news myself.

[–] nnullzz 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Crazy that they look like different people between the OP image and the Wiki.

[–] nnullzz 10 points 2 weeks ago
[–] nnullzz 69 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Donations do not obligate anyone to do anything. It’s a donation, not pay. They should be done out of appreciation for someone’s time and effort, or to help support any potential work the project decides to do. But never with the expectation that you’re owed something back for donating.

[–] nnullzz 4 points 2 weeks ago

Looks like Festool tool carts

[–] nnullzz 11 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] nnullzz 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury. Nothing about a 9-5 preventing them being there is “exceptionally lazy”. It’s a reality people face. Especially when everything’s about to skyrocket here in price. Job security is kinda important too.

[–] nnullzz 5 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I mostly have the same thoughts on this, but I also worry that we sink so deep into the abyss that it will take a long time, if ever at all, to recuperate.

[–] nnullzz 2 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (1 children)

I’ve been using Netlify for smaller apps, but lately Railway has been my go to. Pretty cheap too and it covers mostly everything you’ll need to deploy app regardless of language or framework. Their UI makes it all very easy to manage with the “nodes”.

Both of those services (as do most) give you the option to load environment variables onto the app itself.

So the process is normally this: You have env vars you’re using locally like API tokens that you’re putting in your .env during development. Now you’re ready to deploy. Because you’ve gitignored that file locally, you don’t have to worry about secrets being in your code base, but also, because they’re environment variables, you’re framework will see those variables available in the “box”.

Ultimately, there’s no difference between having stuff in your local .env and injected by a service during deployment. Just make sure the env var keys are the same in each case.

Hope that’s not too confusing. If so, I’m happy to clarify anything.

EDIT: also wanna add that Supabase isn’t that bad. It helps you know exactly what you need it to provide for you and then start searching away to see how to slowly put together each of those pieces. With them, I usually start with the Auth stuff, then move on to my database and storage. Functions last if the project calls for them. There’s quite a bit of info out there if you know specifically what you’re wanting to solve at the moment.


It happens so often where we’re watching a series and as we’re scrolling to the right episode, we see thumbnails made from a clip in that episode. So like if someone was maybe about to die, now I know that’s not gonna be the case. And most of the time, the description says too much.

Edit: I should maybe specific that I’m mainly talking about services like Netflix, Prime, etc.

submitted 3 months ago by nnullzz to c/cat

Last night at about 6:15 pm, I noticed this super bright pink line in the sky. It was almost exactly N<->S. I’m in the Space Coast, Florida if that helps. I’ve never seen plane contrails look like this. Weird thing is that it almost looked like if the area in the center of the line was ionized, plasma-like. Unfortunately the camera didn’t pick up how vivid the line was. In another picture it almost seems like the line makes a 90 degree turn due east at the northern tip of it.

I thought maybe a meteor since there was that Taurid shower a few days but I don’t know if meteors fall N to S and if they ionize clouds like that. I don’t know if that actually is even ionization. We also have a lot of aerospace research companies here so who knows if it could be that?

Hoping someone can chime in with what it might be.


During the UAP hearing yesterday from the US House Oversight Committee, Michael Gold, a witness who is a former NASA official involved with NASA’s UAP study team, gave the Vulcan Salute while being sworn in. His smile is like “Yeah I’m doin it”.

What DAW are you using? (self.musicproduction)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by nnullzz to c/[email protected]

I don’t think there’s a way to do a proper poll so if you don’t see your DAW mentioned in a top level comment, make the comment to the post. If it’s already listed, maybe just upvote it? That way we can get a representation of what DAWs are more among subscribers here.

I’m curious just because it’s always neat to hear what people use and how, but also to see how possible tuts or techniques can be explained in a way more people will understand. Or provide a variety of examples for various DAWs.

EDIT: Actually, I don’t know the best way to list the ones I use without making a few comments to this post. I’ll just upvote them if I see them listed.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by nnullzz to c/[email protected]

This is a simple technique that creates a beautiful spread on acoustic guitar. It requires a few things first:

  • Acoustic guitar recorded on two tracks.
    • One track with a mic capturing the neck. I like to use a small diaphragm condenser.
    • Another track with a mic capturing the body. I usually go large diaphragm condenser.
    • (or go with some other XY/stereo mic config)
  • Two aux channels with a reverb. One aux panned hard left the other panned hard right.

Usually when guitars are mic’d with two mics like this, in the mix you pan them hard left and right. Like body left, neck right.

The trick here is that for the guitar track you pan left, send a bit to the reverb aux panned right. For the track panned right, send to the left reverb aux. What happens is that the reverb will fill the opposing sides and creates a super spacious and wide sound unlike just sending both guitar tracks to one aux. You can get an even better effect if the reverbs each have a slightly different setting. That’s all dependent on the sound you’re going for though.

That’s it! I hope the explanation is not too confusing. If so please let me know so I can clarify any questions. Give it a try!

submitted 5 months ago by nnullzz to c/freemasonry

An older family member recently passed away, and in her belongings as they were being sorted through, a wooden box was found. The family had an idea that my great grandfather was a Freemason but this box confirms it. It contained regalia that most definitely belonged to him.

Our question is, what’s supposed to happen with all the items? We just want to make sure it’s handled properly if there’s some kind of protocol. It would be great if I could PM with someone about this to see what’s supposed to happen with it all.


I’m working on an indie game that deals with Space Sciences. I’m nearby a well-known university for aerospace and space sciences and could use some guidance from people that know the subject well. The university’s faculty directory helped me find potential contacts but I’m not too sure on the proper etiquette for contacting them.

Do I just contact a few of them individually to their uni emails? Do I contact their provided phone numbers? Do I reach out to the Department Head and ask for their guidance? Is payment usually expected for an initial conversation like this?

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