It's been years and I still giggle them theres motion at my bunghole
Hi my name is Fred the goldfish
There's no rule saying a dog can't play basketball
You need to aggressively huff it for a while before you lose consciousness
Maybe I've run into too many edgelords in the lab who "love the smell". Doesn't smell like chlorine at all really for me at least. I see it as the most awful artificial fruit perfume.
Boston's nickname is bean town. Lots of pure sciences and specifically bio/pharm/chem going down in Boston. Strange they're NH based. I wonder if they moved out of Boston for lower overhead.
Either way we buy a lot from them. They have high quality stuff and deliver on time. Fuck Fisher.
I work in a plastics analytical lab and I hate the smell of chloroform. Not because it's dangerous or anything. I just hate how it smells.
Either way, i ate a bunch of sour patch kids and it's fucked
Itll work but...It's sharpie. I can take sharpie off a smooth surface with a kimwipe and elbow grease. Acetone is overkill and likely to damage your surface if it's paint or plastic yo. Use a less aggressive solvent. Also we've destroyed a whiteboard or two with acetone.
It may strip the paint. Better off with isopropulyl/ethanol. Sharpie doesn't require something as aggressive as acetone .
Make water cleaner by reducing the requirements to claim it is clean. Got it