I’m assuming this was for when “the election was stolen”, but it wasn’t because musk won :)
Okay cool, so that means they can’t trade stocks anymore…. Right? .. right????
True, I find that one a pain to work around since you gotta continually ‘eat’ jokers… gets worse with eternals too
That thumbnail is right before this person loses the game, lol. Them jokers are trash.
Had some dude in DFW act like I was both deaf and retarded when I asked him if my laptop had to be in a separate bin, lol….. it changes every time I swear
Ashland, rural? lol
I still can’t believe that was real lol. We had it good back then with lemon party, blue waffle, and meat spin xD
Cut my worm in to pieces
…. I just bought a (second) copy for a international work trip so i could play on my phone lol.
Oh, yea. Checks out
If you live close enough and source your books from somewhere else than the campus bookstore you solve most of these problems. Unless a course uses Pearson, fuck Pearson.