I mean who wouldn't watch that video if someone actually went to the effort to test this
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Don't be mean. I promise to do my best to judge that fairly.
"twitterinas" pfft
I don't think very many people espouse this view. Like what 10 vegans ever.
You have any idea about how much noise can 10 vegans make?
I know that in my daily life I heard a vegan talk about veganism.... like 3 times ever. People bitching about vegans irl, 200 times. Online the ratio is probably 1:50. Vegans could never hold a candle to the people bitching about vegans... existing
Or what about bacontarians. Far more vocal.
The Internet appears to have no idea what you're talking about. no search results.
A term I just coined for people who put bacon on everything.
A concept also made up. Got anything to bring to the discussion other than your fantasies?
Does this mean you haven't encountered people who are evangelical about bacon? This surprises me, I have run across it far more than evangelical vegans, but not more than people who make fun of vegans
P.s. why such an antisocial comment?
Well good for you, must be nice to live that isolated. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that if only I watched Cowspiracy, or one particular youtube video they link, or in real life when I lived in a big city for every time someone from PETA tried to stop me on my daily commute to convince me to go vegan I'd be rich.
Funny enough I do try to engage with them as I see some good points in the subject.
I would say the same to you. I try to keep it discreet but the amount of people who take the piss or give you funny looks if they see you having soy milk or a veggie burger and then fewer still try to convince you that you'll be malnourished or some other shit.
I would say the same to you.
What part exactly?
BTW my partner drinks soy milk though is not vegan, can't think of a single time someone has given funny looks or taken the piss where the fuck do you guys live?
I have been to an abattoir yes.
Yeah, the thread is funny but I'm pretty tired of people just making shit up about DiScOuRsE. If this is such a big issue they probably could have linked to one person making the argument.
Not good enough, Tumblr.
Have the meat-robot rise up and follow the tiger around.
Case A. The meat-robot plays back recorded sounds of dying tigers. Day and night, the robot follows the tiger and makes those sounds. Every time the tiger kills, it gets a new dying-tiger-robot with scraps of rotting meat on it, following them around. Eventually the tiger dies half-insane from lack of sleep in the midst of a horde of howling robots, the vengeful ghosts of its former kills. That's the bad ending.
Case B. The meat-robot plays back recorded sounds of a mewling tiger cub. At first the tiger cub-robot is clumsy and helpless but it still follows the tiger around. Over time the robot-tiger becomes stronger, and mewls less. Eventually it's able to help its tiger (only one robot per tiger.) If the tiger gets sick, the robot-tiger diagnoses it and cures it. Eventually when the tiger gets old, the robot-tiger cares for it and comforts it in its old age. That's the good ending.
Case C. After the tiger has fed and rested, the meat-tiger assesses the tiger's strength, and fights it with an equal set of abilities. To defeat it, the tiger has to improve its current abilities. If the tiger loses, it is killed. If the tiger wins, then the robot-tiger merges with the tiger to become an android tiger. Every time the tiger kills its prey, it fights a robot-tiger and either dies or becomes a stronger android tiger. If it survives long enough, it becomes a Godzilla-level superbeast that roams the continents and rules over all living creatures. That's the neutral ending.
Don't be weird about this perfectly normal post.
No no. This is wild creativity, let it flow. It might be a movie one day
I thought Napoleon dynamite was just a movie. Turns out it was a documentary about your life?
Always glad to see a Cave Johnson reference
Do you want Terminator leopards? Because this is how you get terminator leopards
That’s not that far different from cat toys that dispense treats when hit. I’m sure tigers and wolves would soon get used to it.
We shall teach all creatures, the concept of ick. For the lolz
new headcanon: skeleton is sentient, talks with the guys at the lab
"got mauled again, this time by a leopard"