I cut my spending to the bone. I can afford to spend more, but I don't see any reason to participate in the economy more than I have to.
That's how people click on them. I follow a science interview podcast and they hired a new producer that started changing the YouTube thumbnails to those generic dumb click bait ones.
The host says he hates it, but can't argue that whenever they make a thumbnail like that, the views are significantly higher.
In the end, you do what draws eyeballs. The content is what matters.
Yeah, it's been hit and miss with downloading from the Kindle. I mostly get books from the library and strip the DRM from there. I figure it's a win-win, because the library gets a record of the checkout, but then I get to read it at my leisure while the next person gets to read it.
Ted Lasso is just Major League, but fútbol.
This currently works, but I don't know if it will continue working forever - probably not too much longer after this announcement.
The "old Kindle PC app" might keep working in the future, but my guess is that it's going to be done soon as well.
edit: One thing I ran into was after installing the kindle app and turning off the auto-update, it still updates. So keep the installer handy and just reinstall it as needed.
I've tried a bunch of times, but haven't really found anything that's been particularly useful as a steamdeck 3d printed accessory. Probably the closest I've come is a steamdeck gridfinity storage solution for my desk, and a stand to play if I felt like using an xbox controller instead of holding the deck.
Here's the ones linked from the video, nothing in there was super interesting. Best one of the bunch was the charger insert, but I've found it to be annoying to use. I just go back to a small bag to stuff the charger into.
Steam Deck Drop Protector (LupusWorax): https://www.printables.com/model/254680-steam-deck-lifesaver-drop-protection
Carrying Case Insert (Strider460): https://www.printables.com/model/202185-steam-deck-carrying-case-insert
Dock Cable Cover (yugi): https://www.printables.com/model/378549-steam-deck-dock-cable-cover
Charger Dock (Strider460): https://www.printables.com/model/230276-steam-deck-charger-dock
Steam Pal (Froggerdog): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5511683
Joystick Guards (MarkWithASea_240810): https://www.printables.com/model/723941-steam-deck-stick-guard-split
Please don't stuff a firearm in your waist band without a proper holster.
Universe Today is a space themed science publisher based on Vancouver Island, all their stuff is ad free on patreon even with the free tier.
They have written articles, YouTube, mastodon, blusky, and podcasts.
This YouTube video covers it pretty well. Part of a trend away from suspenders and using less fabric changed mens style to low waist, along with people coming back from war thinking the uniforms were more practical.
I don't block them, I down vote them.
VPN into your home lab isn't about privacy, it's more about reducing your exposed services to the public internet.
If you have only the ports needed to VPN back into your network, then the rest is hidden behind your router. You only need to fully secure one thing, instead of having to ensure that everything is 100% patched.
It's not the only thing you should be doing, but it does help reduce the probability of a breach.