this post was submitted on 01 Oct 2023
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I have a very smart 4 month old goldendoodle who loves getting into everything. She has no interest in her toys or chews. I'm at my wits end. She won't respond to any correction or redirection. I puppy proofed tf out of my house but she still finds shit to get into. Idek where she gets some of the stuff she finds.

I can't give her super flavorful bones because my beagle tries to fight her over them. That's the only thing that has held her attention recently, but my beagle is a dick when it comes to bones.

I brought home like a dozen new toys yesterday but she doesn't want them. She also doesn't really care for treats when training. She'd just rather be called a good girl and get head pats.

My beagle isn't nearly as smart as her, so it didn't take much to stimulate him. Now he just wants to nap all the time lol.

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[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I would not recommend using a laser pointer with dogs, it can end up being a form of anxiety for dogs.

Here is one, of many, articles that talks about laser pointers being bad for dogs.

[โ€“] LaunchesKayaks 2 points 9 months ago

Oh shit. Thanks for the heads up.