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[–] Plastic_Ramses 20 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

One old fart that vows revenge on his political foes.

One old fart that is the most progressive president in the last 40 years.

Take your pick.

[–] Viking_Hippie 9 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

One old fart that vows revenge on his political foes.

True. You forgot to mention that he's a literal fascist, though. That's important information.

One old fart that is the most progressive president in the last 40 years.

..did you smoke crack between those two sentences? Were you typing while driving, got in a horrible accident leaving you with intermittent aphasia, then finished the comment anyway?

Because it's either that or you're trying to gaslight us all completely unnecessarily.

You don't have to pretend that he's great. Hell, you don't even have to pretend that he's not bad!

Just reminding people that he's the only alternative to the vengeful fascist should be enough. After all, that was 100% of his campaign strategy the first time around and it (barely) worked!

[–] Thunderbird4 20 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Reagan, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama, Trump. Take your pick.

“Most progressive” is not a high bar to clear. It's a reasonably fair claim that Biden has been more progressive than Obama, and definitely isn’t outrageous enough to justify ranting about crack smoking and traumatic brain damage.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

“Most progressive” is not a high bar to clear.

and Biden still limbos way under it.

Biden forced the railroad workers to go back to work, violating their right to protest. That's ACTUALLY fascism. The government forcing people to work at a company for shitty pay so the shitty company can get more money

[–] Plastic_Ramses 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The biden administration got the railworkers what they were asking for.

Its not his fault you cant read.

[–] Thunderbird4 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

And Obama broke the legal Occupy Wall Street protests and killed civilians in Yemen with drone strikes. So he takes the title instead? “Most progressive” is a comparative qualification, and he does not need to BE a progressive to take the title.

While I agree that the strike shouldn’t have been broken and that the rail workers should have the right to stop as much work as they control in order to make their demands heard, Biden also became the first president to walk a picket line during that strike and ultimately got the rail workers a deal that their unions all were reportedly happy with. He may not be everything you want, but he IS the most pro-union president of my lifetime. Again, not a high bar to clear. Recognize progress when it happens, even if it’s not your dream come true.

Furthermore, with all the terrifying examples of actual rising fascism that surround us right now, don’t muddy the waters with BS like that. It just makes you look like a troll.

[–] Viking_Hippie -4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

“Most progressive” is not a high bar to clear

Yet Biden managed to fail anyway.

It's a reasonably fair claim that Biden has been more progressive than Obama

Nope. Neither fair nor accurate. Obama picked Biden to assuage the fears of white conservative Democrats and Biden is the exact same guy that he's always been. His age isn't much of a problem in itself, but his outdated policy positions and opinions are.

He entered politics before the invention of the walkman and he hasn't changed or acknowledged any of his mistakes since then.

definitely isn’t outrageous enough to justify ranting about crack smoking and traumatic brain damage.

For the reasons stated above, I beg to differ.

[–] maniclucky 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You haven't actually commented on anything recent, just vague references to his non-presidency years (people are allowed to change). Nor have you shown that any of the listed presidents were more progressive. Your argument is "nuh uh". You claim he failed. How? You didn't even take the low hanging fruit of "Isreal" or "continued border bullshit".

Here, I'll start: nominated the first black woman to the supreme court. More low hanging fruit, but you've set the bar rather low. He's been doing quite a lot for the LGBT community, which is a pretty big reversal from his past.

See. Two sentences, one source, and now there's substance. Now. Refute me.

[–] nomous 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] maniclucky 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Shocking. What's the over/under on that person being a Russian troll?

[–] Thunderbird4 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Pretty low, actually. Viking_Hippie is actually a pretty legit Lemmy contributor, despite having some utter garbage takes on American politics and making occasionally disingenuous arguments for them, as above. Pretty sure he’s Danish though, not Russian.

[–] maniclucky 2 points 2 weeks ago

Fair enough. A lesson in "not every bad take is Russian".

[–] blanketswithsmallpox 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)
[–] maniclucky 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

When I was doing my 2 second google search, I spotted the link (and it's what reminded me about Ketanji Brown Jackson), but figured the person I was responding to would mark that as biased.

[–] blanketswithsmallpox 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah there's been a few Lemmy or Reddit links that have had similar lists I thought I saved but couldn't find them. Had to default to that.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago

Yet Biden managed to fail anyway.

Oh good, I'm not the only one to say it.

[–] blanketswithsmallpox 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

It's okay to be Trump supporter on Lemmy Viking_Hippie. I know you regularly like to pretend Biden is bad but don't be a useful idiot at least.

[–] Viking_Hippie -4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Really? That weak ass "only Trump Supporters would criticize Biden" bullshit is all you have? After I specifically pointed out the fact that Trump is a literal fascist and stressed that Biden is a less bad choice? Pathetic.

don't be a useful idiot at least.

I'd say "right back at you", but you're not even useful. You're just an idiot.

[–] blanketswithsmallpox 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

No, you're just literally parroting russian fascist republican propaganda equating the two no matter how much you badmouth Trump. Everyone shits on Trump already, it's not special, nobody cares anymore lol.

Saying insane patently false shit like you have about Biden though makes you a useful idiot which is even worse than an idiot. I know I'm fucking stupid, I'm talking to you on Lemmy right now proving your point.

The difference being that you're actively making the world worse whether knowingly or unknowingly.

[–] Viking_Hippie -3 points 2 weeks ago

None of that is true, except for the part where you admit that you're fucking stupid. Now run along and be a useless idiot at someone else while the rest of us deal with reality outside of your ridiculous apparatchik fantasy world.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 2 weeks ago

Did that idiot say Trump would jail his political foes? You mean like the Biden administration is currently trying to do to their political foes?

[–] [email protected] -3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

One old fart that is the most progressive president in the last 40 years.

Biden used to be a segregationist. During the 2020 primary he said "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids" And there's loads and loads of video of him in congress back in the day saying all kinds of racist shit, talking about how he doesn't want his kids "growing up in a racial jungle".

He also said he would veto medicare for all if it got to his desk, he promised a "public option" for healthcare, and for awhile he had a super majority in congress to do it, but never did it.

He said "give me break" and that he had "no empathy" for young adults that got scammed with student debt and low wages

Kids in cages at the US/Mexico border? That started under Obama, and Biden was VP when that started happening if he had a problem with it, he could've said something back then, but he didn't. Obama Pretended that Flint Michigan's water was fine, Biden was VP when that happened and didn't say anything about it.

Fracking? Making water supplies in the middle of the US flammable? That started under Obama and Biden said nothing about it. Opening The US's section of the arctic to oil drilling on two separate occasions? Biden was VP when that happened and didn't say anything about it

To call Biden a progressive is extremely stupid and ignorant.

[–] Plastic_Ramses 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

And to disagree with the words "most progressive president in the last 40 years" is really stupid.

Reading comprehension on lemmy is rull bad.

Im sorry our education system failed you.