On the cabinet? He bought himself a shadow presidency.
If you look at the vein(?) on the north side of the loop, there's a part that goes straight north and then east, with a break in the north leg. Makes it a lot more clear that it was zoomed in.
Anyone else bothered by the sudden change in scale in the last image? It's way zoomed in compared to the first 3.
You were? Oh damn poes law got me. Oops.
And I was ignoring your point since it's not as if the government is going to draw the line for surveillance at Mastodon.
Do a bunch of men who post nudes on the internet in a very public forum for free have an exhibition fetish? The world may never know...
Kinda depends on what you're filling your feed with. Mine is filled with naked gay men, and I'm pretty pleased with that.
Same. Though I'm mute under my mask so it's a mixed bag.
Agreed. One reason I loved Majora's Mask was that the game was dense. Every square inch of the game was used for something and in a lot of different ways. I also appreciated a checklist for my collectables so I could pinpoint what I was missing, but that's rather off topic. I lean way away from open world games now both for excessive time commitment and most of it is just empty space.
Most of the time when I get into an argument with someone on Lemmy (formerly Reddit) it was for the people who may read it more than the other person. The best outcome in those cases is civil disengagement, not changing their mind. But the goal is to reveal some faulty logic and dismiss some disinformation for random strangers.
Of course. If someone is using it blindly, I have no sympathy for them. Everyone who knows anything about data science (almost done with my masters now) screams to not trust it implicitly for a reason.
Oh. Yeah, definitely. That would be way worse.