this post was submitted on 09 Jul 2023
90 points (97.9% liked)

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I’ll start: My first GF and I didn’t use protection. We used the pull out technique. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! I was 19 and could have ruined my life then and there.

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[–] Graphine 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

So me and my friend were driving around at night in his car and had this dumb as fuck idea to flash gay midget porn to people because har har gay sex = funny.

So we drove to this gas station, and to the first random guy I saw, I screamed at him to get his attention, turned the volume ALL THE WAY UP on my phone, and flashed this random ass shady gay midget porn video I found.

We sped off laughing, until we realized about two lights down the road there was a car speeding up rapidly behind us. We put two and two together and realized this crazy fuck was chasing us. So he FLOORS it on the gas, and we're going 70 mph on the backroads running light after light. Honestly surprised we didn't get hit. And this crazy fuck is still going.

I'm BEGGING him to pull up to the police station, but he was like, "No they'll tell our parents". I said who gives a flying fuck what our parents think as this dude wants to kill us. Better than being dead. His dumbass drives right past the station and we pull into a neighborhood to try and lose him....until we accidentally pull into one of those circular streets or whatever. We both stop, and he gets out the car with a knife not saying a word. We're both pleading and apologizing with the windows cracked until I finally figure out this guy isn't fucking around. He's not gonna warn us or intimate us. He wants blood. I starting telling my friend to lock the doors because they were fucking unlocked. Don't know why, but he's too freaked out. Finally I get right in his face and tell this dumbass again to lock the doors. RIGHT as he does this, the dude starts tugging on the door and we sped off. Never saw him again.

Honestly I think in another universe we both died that night. Had he not locked the doors he would've opened the doors and killed us.

I'm 23 now and looking back it was absolutely the dumbest thing I ever did. It takes the cake over doing ding dong ditch to a house multiple times and having a gun pointed at us. Even THAT wasn't as retarded.

[–] Lifecoach5000 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Jfc lol. You straight triggered someone for real

[–] Graphine 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Well I do live in Texas. I’ve learned that this state is full of psychotic fucking idiots.

If I could I would absolutely move. Just don’t know where to start.

[–] Lifecoach5000 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)
[–] Graphine 1 points 11 months ago

We are now enemies

[–] rustyfish 3 points 11 months ago

FFS somebody make a movie out of this.