
joined 11 months ago
[–] rustyfish 5 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Sounds like someone didn’t eat his spiders while sleeping.

[–] rustyfish 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ok, was habe ich verpasst?

Edit: Ah. Jetzt gesehen.

[–] rustyfish 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

They can certainly try.

[–] rustyfish 3 points 2 days ago

Had to scroll way too long to find the right answer.

[–] rustyfish 32 points 2 days ago

The publisher didn’t pay the developer and feels like it is the victim here. Classic.

[–] rustyfish 6 points 2 days ago

I miss r/40kLore. It was my favourite sub. But sometimes people do drugs and post on it.

[–] rustyfish 3 points 3 days ago

Fantastic game.

Not buying it.

Still have the original.

Thanks and fuck off.

[–] rustyfish 20 points 3 days ago

A moment of silence for our crypto bros, who called everyone stupid, dumb and an agent of the status quo, all the while wrecking their finances in some of the most obvious Ponzi schemes in the history of mankind. You truly knew it better.

Seeing you go bankrupt was the funniest shit ever.

[–] rustyfish 9 points 3 days ago

Just found out Khorne is AB+.

[–] rustyfish 53 points 4 days ago (16 children)

Reverse image search gives me a Spotless starling.

But if it is a new species I call dibs on naming it: Grumpy featherfluffle.

[–] rustyfish 45 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The game fucks with you. You start thinking you being the hero in the story. But you keep doing more and more fucked up shit, justifying it all because the main character is blended by his sense of justice…aaaaaand a pretty heavy psychosis.

One of the most well known parts for example: You know these cool levels in CoD, when you see the battlefield from above with an infrared camera and shoot at targets on the ground? You do something similar here too. Just to see later that you just burned a refugee camp to the ground with phosphorus bombs. You get to see the whole horrific mess you just orchestrated.

Your teammates also make a lot of comments that only make sense later, when you figure out that you have lost your mind and talked to people who aren’t there, etc. probably to cope with the shit you are doing.

I can’t recommend this enough.

[–] rustyfish 35 points 4 days ago

One of the best games I have ever played. Short, fast, depressing af. Love it.

ich_iel (
ich❤️iel (
Ich🍔iel (
ich🗡️iel (
Ich🥲iel (
submitted 11 months ago by rustyfish to c/[email protected]
submitted 11 months ago by rustyfish to c/grimdank

I’ll start: My first GF and I didn’t use protection. We used the pull out technique. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! I was 19 and could have ruined my life then and there.

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